G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 1   V1s1t3d by: 26 users
24.06.2015 - 07:03
Maybe you've got a bug, and you want to make your own thread about it... Probably want to feel like you are doing something, helping the game in your own way, posting your own bugs....

But you shouldn't start any new thread. Here are two reasons about why not:

1) Bugs that had been reported multiple times in different threads. More space for not useful content ! Also, if you want to check which bug was already reported you will have to check every player's thread...

2) Bugs classified by player and not by their type. In the first way, you only know who reported it. On the second, you know about what is the bug already. Mechanics and Feature bugs are probably more important than Display bugs since the game need to be playable.

Start a new thread only when you find something that doesn't fit the existing threads... thanks.

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