N3w pl4y3r?
S1gn up f0r fr33!

G4m3 tr41l3r


atWar: str4t3gy w4r g4m3s 0nl1n3

Play Axis & Allies, Civilization and Risk online for free
4tW4r 1s 4 fr33 br0ws3r-b4s3d mult1pl4y3r str4t3gy g4m3 1nflu3nc3d by w4r g4m3s l1k3 R1sk 4nd C1v1l1z4t10n (cl1ck t0 s33 th3 d1ff3r3nc3s). M4st3r th3 4rt 0f str4t3gy f1ght1ng 4g41nst 0th3r pl4y3rs f0r w0rld d0m1n4t10n 0n h1ghly d3t41l3d m4ps w1th hundr3ds 0f c1t13s 4nd c0untr13s. Cr34t3 y0ur 0wn m4ps 4nd sc3n4r10s b4s3d 0n r34l 0r f1ct10n4l c0nfl1cts 0f th3 p4st, pr3s3nt 0r futur3.
atWar features unique free troop movement, unrestricted by rigid movement paths of similar games such as Risk, A&A and Civ V. The game's warfare takes place on a massive scale with up to 40 players involved, dozens of different units, in-game politics and diplomacy options (war, peace, alliance), Coalitions (clans), Tournaments and much more to discover. Sign up to play now!

L4t3st upd4t3s

Latest news

Congratulations to the Summer 2024 CW Season Winners:

Prize pool:

1st place: 80,000 SP + 8,000
2nd place: 50,000 SP + 5,000
3rd place: 20,000 SP + 2,000
Most games played: (20,000 SP + 2,000 ) * floor(Total games a clan played / 50)

Which means that Belligerent, as the Most Active clan of the season with 84 games played, will receive:
Most games played: 20,000 SP + 2,000

All awards will be distributed soon (when I get time). Leaders of the winning coalitions, please message me or post here how you want prizes to be distributed.


Seasonal Trophies Are Back!
Starting this season, and continuing into all future seasons, clans will once again receive trophies for their victories.

However, this season saw an unusual situation where a clan secured 3rd place despite playing only one clan war. This issue has been resolved, with the leadership of the clan voluntarily relinquishing the award. Read more

To prevent similar situations in the future, staff may need to establish a rule requiring clans to play a minimum number of clan wars to be eligible for trophies and prizes.

Thanks again to all who participated! See you next season.

16.03 - Game Of The Year (14.5 hours played)
16.03 - 10 Ways to Improve Your Skills in atWar!
05.03 - Congratulations Winter 2024 CW Winners + Clan War Statistics
31.01 - FINAL UPDATE: Dave and His Whereabouts
05.12 - Congratulations Autumn 2023 CW Winners + Clan War Statistics
25.07 - A Midsummer Night's Update
24.12 - Merry Christmas! Santa is back, and so is our annual sale...
22.08 - Summer 2022 CW Season Playoffs

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