16.02.2019 - 21:18
Given that some in the community have voiced their opinions about unfair bans/mutes, can we finally, after 7 years, establish a proper guideline for these bans/mutes? Before when rules were less strictly reinforced, there were less controversies about bans/mutes. Now with rules being more strictly reinforced, wouldn't it benefit the entire AW community to lay down proper guidelines and ban/mute times? For example: Extreme and Abnormal Toxicity/Racism: 15 day mute. Repeat offence after 1 strike: additional 10 day ban/mute. Playing in duel on alt account without opponent's knowledge: 15 days ban. Wouldn't this be extremely effective to ridding player complaints? You know what you did, therefore you serve the APPROPRIATE time for what you did. Rules and punishment shouldn't be enforced based on a mod's feelings that day should it? Furthermore, this way, the mod team will be able to build trust for EVERYONE in the community. With the current situation, there is clear mistrust against certain mods for some in the community. Some mods are seem as too lax/lenient while others are seen as overly strict, imposing long-term bans for relatively light mis-actions. Of course there will be cases where a certain player feels that his/her actions had not crossed the rules nor warranted a ban, but in any case, there wouldn't be argument for the ban time. I think it's high time we address this issue and rebuild the entire mod team's reputation among EVERYONE in the community. sid please don't roast me
16.02.2019 - 21:27
There are kind of standards guidelines for punishments, and they are typically less severe than what you posted. It's impossible to say you get a 10 day mute for this or a 3 day ban for that since severity can be vastly different with the same crime (i.e. spamming a game in help as opposed to openly mocking and ostracizing a certain player in help are both "spam". etc). Same principle as real life as to why there is so much leeway in judges sentencing. If players didn't break the rules then they wouldn't be punished. If this was any other gaming community all of you would be perma-banned, this is seriously the most lenient gaming community I've ever seen.
16.02.2019 - 21:31
I believe stricter measures should be taken. One warning, one mute, one week ban, permanently banned. Or skip the mute if it is not involved with player behaviour, and deals with exploits or bugs.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
16.02.2019 - 21:32
I understand but I also don't think it's appropriate to get banned for an additional month or two after you've already banned yourself for a month for playing in a duel versus a rank 12
16.02.2019 - 21:36
It is appropriate considering you've been warned before for the exact thing you were banned for here: http://prntscr.com/mm4rct And you have a recent history here: http://prntscr.com/mm4rjt So your ban for 20 days on your second offense for this rule and third offense recently is justified.
4r3 y0u sur3?