G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 6   V1s1t3d by: 28 users
17.09.2012 - 12:31
Implement report topic where players can report to mods, only mods can see them.

It will be useful when mods arent online .

Recently Mods are rarely in the chat
17.09.2012 - 14:49
17.09.2012 - 15:04
I think that button is only associated with Topic , and not about what happens in the chat

I wanted to have Report topic so when mods are not online and all spammers and trolls Come out of the caves and start their party
And mods will punished those who did Trouble
17.09.2012 - 15:05
Send us a screen when we are offline? Like every other Player did before...
17.09.2012 - 15:16
I agree with the suggestion, since I think a report forum would be better than sending PMs to mods, so we can discuss it internally and set up punishments that everyone will be aware of already.

Only thing is it has to be private, with players having access only to their own report threads.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
17.09.2012 - 15:19
Wr1tt3n by Pinheiro, 17.09.2012 at 15:16

I agree with the suggestion, since I think a report forum would be better than sending PMs to mods, so we can discuss it internally and set up punishments that everyone will be aware of already.

Only thing is it has to be private, with players having access only to their own report threads.

Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.

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