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05.08.2012 - 20:06
I've been thinking about the upcoming custom maps ability.

I think for a while, only mods/designated designers should be able to create/upload new maps.

With color selection, border drawing, etc, I think the first few waves of maps are going to be absolute shit.

What I propose is that using the forum, people hold a weekly (biweekly?) poll, on Map of The Week. People can upload their pic of what they want done, with notes, jpegs for units/cities.... etc... and people can vote for the best idea (or two) and these can be made. This will also hinder 200 custom penis maps being made late one night while the mods are off.... granted, I was planning on making at least a dozen of those.
05.08.2012 - 20:13
A better idea. Long term serving members of the game, so like rank 9 or above will be able to approve maps or disaprove maps while leaving comments, which will be viewable by the map creator.

anyone will be able to play the maps, but sp gain will be reduced by 50% until it has been approved by enough players so we avoid "omg huge sp map, lets just sling 1000042353249 units at each other with our infinite money supply."

so yeah we are just looking for well designed balanced maps with appropriate content that follow the rules concerning sp farming and obscenity.
06.08.2012 - 00:10
No, no, and no. Not every scenario made by younger members is total crap, as I know quite a few scenarios made by rank 5s and 6s which are actually pretty good. How discriminating is it to only allow the top 79 players to use this feature? It's been suggested many times, with support from the active mods, that custom maps must be approved by the mods to publish, and if a creator has abused the system, their scenario creating rights are revoked.

Besides, many players don't even use the forums, and there are very few scenario creators out there. Let's not reduce the amount of content that can be created by the community; this update is supposed to bring in new players, not alienate them.

The only requirement for making custom maps should be the premium scenario pack.
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
06.08.2012 - 00:16
Wr1tt3n by nonames, 05.08.2012 at 20:13

A better idea. Long term serving members of the game, so like rank 9 or above will be able to approve maps or disaprove maps while leaving comments, which will be viewable by the map creator.

anyone will be able to play the maps, but sp gain will be reduced by 50% until it has been approved by enough players so we avoid "omg huge sp map, lets just sling 1000042353249 units at each other with our infinite money supply."

so yeah we are just looking for well designed balanced maps with appropriate content that follow the rules concerning sp farming and obscenity.

But people can be bias. You cannot hinder one's creativity, no matter how disgusting or blatantly stupid it may be. The Scenarios that are not worth-while will be reported an taken down. The maps with the most time and fun put into them will be the most played.
06.08.2012 - 00:49
Wr1tt3n by nonames, 05.08.2012 at 20:13

anyone will be able to play the maps, but sp gain will be reduced by 50% until it has been approved by enough players so we avoid "omg huge sp map, lets just sling 1000042353249 units at each other with our infinite money supply."

Because users definitely don't make scenarios with hundreds of free bombers in 1v1s against each other already.

I get where you're coming from with this, but I say we just keep a few features in place such as the current limits on free units, perhaps limit the amount of income a place can offer, limit the cities capable for a country, and limit the amount of independant countries a player can start with? (Obviously it couldn't be too low a limit, but with limited income and limited countries there would be an actual cap)

No restricting what maps get made, I mean, there's tons of scenarios out there and plenty of them are crap, but it still works
06.08.2012 - 02:00
I completley agree with TopHats and Mathdino in that I feel lower levels (AKA myself) should have a chance to try making their own maps/scenarios and along with higher ranked members and that the ones displayed should only be put there by popular vote or interest yet they are not trolling people or SP farms.
Also, most people that would normally troll map/scenario making would have to put more time into this anyways because they now have the extra step of making the map/placing the cities ect. and they are less likley to finish their evil project without getting bored and stopping.

Also, sometimes lower levels are people that may not have the time to play multiple extremley long matches or they are sometimes forced to leave ones early giving them less SP or a worse w/l ratio but that doesnt mean when they are open they can throw their time into making a map.

I do have to say I would really enjoy if in the update three new things were added.
1. Custom Units but without a low limit (so if you check out my WW1/WW2 topic I could add a good deal of units and make an extremley accurate and fun scenario).

2. 3 Map Scenario slots for people without premium so that I can express my strategy, knowledge, and creativity without having to pay (I don't have "extra money")

3. (MOST IMPORTANT) Extra slots for people who make good maps along with open scenarios!
Basically this would mean that if I filled up all my 3 map scenarios from #2 on my list and people liked them and they got good ratings then I would have an increase in my Map scenario slots by +3 until I have a max of 9 scenarios. Also, for every time I would get +3 scenarios to save I would also be allowed to have +1 scenario up in the list so people can select and play it without having me host it. (This would help us poor people :'( who have enough time to try and help the community) If I was ever found trolling or not using those extra scenario slots for a certain amount of time they would be taken away.

I hope you guys like these ideas and please tweak/give your opinion .
06.08.2012 - 07:30
Just make a counter on maps,maps with lot nnegative vvotes are gonna get deleted by mods.
exept guest14502 he is ruining the game.(also make a post to vote on worsst mod you know who i am gonna vote.)

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