G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 7   V1s1t3d by: 76 users
25.12.2010 - 17:38
Choose a country as a map and fight for domination within those limits!

Fight within the borders of the United Kingdom, Germany or any other country!
26.12.2010 - 00:08
Sounds like a good idea but way imposible in terms of praticality. somewhere on this site one of the programers said they cant do much as for new maps yet.
11.02.2012 - 07:34
It could just be made within the world map with all the cities used being excluded from large scale play, by the looks of things.
11.02.2012 - 07:39
Sounds interesting, but I doubt it's possible.
13.02.2012 - 09:38
That's the problem about Afterwind, everytime a suggestion gets posted, you just go there and say "Impossible"
1) This is possible
2) Why did you make a suggestion forum if you're going to doubt the possibility of every suggestion?
13.02.2012 - 10:41
Bloody hell you guys, this thread was made even before I joined. Stop necroing like that

Nevertheless, it just wouldn't work. Most "countries" (let's not forget that countries like the US and Brazil were unified at the time of writing) are just too small for this to be practical and have a handful of cities. This means that infantry can usually walk from one end to another.

But it brings up a good point! The scenario creator should be able to allocate individual cities to specific players in the scenario editor (which, again, didn't exist at the time). It has been proposed before and it doesn't seem like an insanely difficult task, depending on the state of the codebase (keep things modular goddangit). How about that, eh?
Wr1tt3n by kabahaly, 13.02.2012 at 09:38

That's the problem about Afterwind, everytime a suggestion gets posted, you just go there and say "Impossible"
1) This is possible
2) Why did you make a suggestion forum if you're going to doubt the possibility of every suggestion?
That's true. The thought of this going on turns my stomach.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
13.02.2012 - 15:35
Wr1tt3n by YOBA, 13.02.2012 at 10:41

Nevertheless, it just wouldn't work. Most "countries" (let's not forget that countries like the US and Brazil were unified at the time of writing) are just too small for this to be practical and have a handful of cities. This means that infantry can usually walk from one end to another.

Im just saying, the US has a plethora of cities that, if ranges of troops were drastically reduced (like say a range of 7 becomes of equal length to a range of 2, and all ranges were reduced on that scale), and the borders were divided by the state lines, I think it would work for the US.

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