G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 4   V1s1t3d by: 32 users
10.11.2011 - 18:09
The community has had dozens of threads of ideas and implementations but I don't remember anyone asking for helicopters nor has anyone asked for a unit that can wipe out infantry. I know admins want to get some more advertising and the game does need some refreshing and innovation.

But this wasn't asked for. I'm cool with mucking about with this for a few days but I'm betting ALOT of players will NOT be happy with this.

Admins, what were you thinking? We have threads and threads of ideas.
10.11.2011 - 18:14
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Wr1tt3n by Tik-Tok, 10.11.2011 at 18:09

The community has had dozens of threads of ideas and implementations but I don't remember anyone asking for helicopters nor has anyone asked for a unit that can wipe out infantry. I know admins want to get some more advertising and the game does need some refreshing and innovation.

But this wasn't asked for. I'm cool with mucking about with this for a few days but I'm betting ALOT of players will NOT be happy with this.

Admins, what were you thinking? We have threads and threads of ideas.

All players I asked but Pin share your opinion in every point. Personally i don't like Helicopterssince they add an additional factor which has to be balanced out. But it also is a good way to make people like Afterwind on FB and make others know about it. But I still think it brings too much trouble, also check my post in the Helicopters thread.

You will also find a statement of Ivan there.
10.11.2011 - 19:40
Heli's were a good idea in my opinion, we needed a new unit.

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