G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 2   V1s1t3d by: 22 users
27.10.2011 - 11:29
A lot of these fall under suggestions... sorry about that.

  • IMPORTANT -- In team games, you should be able to talk in ally chat before the game begins. This helps a great deal in choosing what country to play as.
  • It would be nice if the chat pane was available in the statistics and especially the upgrades screen.
  • You should be able to see what strategy you've chosen after you started the game... I forgot to change it once and had no bloody clue what I was doing!
  • Just as you can ignore people by typing /ignore before their names, you should be able to /friend and /enemy them as well (note: these are not actual verbs).
  • Cloning of scenarios should be allowed by default (though you should still be able to untick it). Though I haven't heard of anyone doing this in practice, if more people knew about the function they would use it. Then a list of derivatives would be shown for the scenario. A nice way of bringing the community closer together. It works in open-source software, why not in video games?
  • It would be nice if you could hide games. I saw a game once that was on the list for about 12 hours.
  • The pop-up menu (when you just glide the mouse over) the units is excellent. It helps me get the units I need quickly, but it doesn't work in a 3-man defence line setup. It should be made so the units in a city should automatically have more priority when you mouseover so the little menu stays.
  • Please fix the grammatical errors in the tips given while you're entering a game.
  • EDIT -- You should be able to change ratings for scenarios on the scenario screen.
  • EDIT -- The players should be allowed to rate the scenario when the game ends (as well as an option to not rate, say if it ended on week 2). Otherwise, ratings go unused as they already are.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
27.10.2011 - 11:49
Wr1tt3n by YOBA, 27.10.2011 at 11:29

  • IMPORTANT -- In team games, you should be able to talk in ally chat before the game begins. This helps a great deal in choosing what country to play as.

  • Agreed.
    Wr1tt3n by YOBA, 27.10.2011 at 11:29
  • It would be nice if the chat pane was available in the statistics and especially the upgrades screen.

  • Agreed.
    Wr1tt3n by YOBA, 27.10.2011 at 11:29
  • You should be able to see what strategy you've chosen after you started the game... I forgot to change it once and had no bloody clue what I was doing!

  • It's already available in the units menu.
    Wr1tt3n by YOBA, 27.10.2011 at 11:29
  • Just as you can ignore people by typing /ignore before their names, you should be able to /friend and /enemy them as well (note: these are not actual verbs).

  • I find it easier to just mouse-over their names, but it could stay in the to-do list with low priority in my opinion.
    Wr1tt3n by YOBA, 27.10.2011 at 11:29
  • It would be nice if you could hide games. I saw a game once that was on the list for about 12 hours.

  • This is more like a bug, that should be fixed. I found it easier than adding another option
    Wr1tt3n by YOBA, 27.10.2011 at 11:29
  • The pop-up menu (when you just glide the mouse over) the units is excellent. It helps me get the units I need quickly, but it doesn't work in a 3-man defence line setup. It should be made so the units in a city should automatically have more priority when you mouseover so the little menu stays.

  • Yes, it's a little annoying. Agreed.
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