G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 4   V1s1t3d by: 45 users
14.04.2011 - 16:22
Well, perhaps you are in a big war where you have only 2 minutes and your ally needs money and you have a lot of money.

By being able to automatically give this player 1000$ every turn until you cancel it would save some time.

Of course you can also just give this person 10,000$ right away so you don't have to check for 10 turns or something. But what if you have like +2500 every turn but not over 5000$ at the moment? The perfect solution would be this, especially with auto-making units turned on so you won't be out of funds and not being able to send money to your friend.
17.04.2011 - 10:22
Good idea
17.04.2011 - 11:18
Very good idea.
20.04.2011 - 13:12
Yea good idea, but it should be easy to stop saying on the botton where your money is shown just a small cross or something....
the game could be much faster adding such buttons

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