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06.03.2011 - 17:27
Stealth air transports...nuff said....you guys figure out the specifics but it would be the sh*t to be able to airtransport marines!!!!!!!!!!!!
06.03.2011 - 21:12
It would be a completely overpowered unit. Air transports are vulnerable for a reason.
06.03.2011 - 23:13
Maybe at most its a unit that only MoS has
07.03.2011 - 00:02
Wr1tt3n by MarcJr, 06.03.2011 at 23:13

Maybe at most its a unit that only MoS has

i'll drink 2 that...an upgradable MoS unit...SwiftSilent&Deadly...BooYah!!!
07.03.2011 - 00:14
.....StealthedAirTransports...one of those secret/special/popup units to be found in the game..somewhere, oh let's say in Central/SouthAmerica...CIA-type...or KGB-type in NorthernRussia....hmmm
07.03.2011 - 04:16
Stealth could be able to transport one marine unit ? ( same way than submarines but only one unit)
07.03.2011 - 07:22
Wr1tt3n by LiodaGobert, 07.03.2011 at 04:16

Stealth could be able to transport one marine unit ? ( same way than submarines but only one unit)

stealths thats it use a unit we already have and add the ability to transport 1 unit I like the idea.
08.03.2011 - 13:44
That Type of tecnology is verry Expensive, infact haveing stelth units is almost = to building a battleship. so why would you use up billions on a transport that can drop at most 1 platoon. Stelth tecnology on a 747 is vertualy imposible with the curent world tecnology level not because of radar signiture but due to the size of the engine needed to move such a huge plane. there heat signiture would give them away and so would the amount of noise they create. Did you know Russia had a plane that was like that and the americans could actualy hear it comming in there submerine microphones? they were always detected by there sound and not there radar signiture.
Where's the BEEF!
11.03.2011 - 08:25
Well maybe not 'stealth' in the traditional sense... but a civilian airplane carrying marines, like a small Cessna with 1 unit of marines. It wouldn't be able to fly as far or as fast as a military plane, but it might be able to slip behind enemy lines. Seems doable to me, though balance wise I dunno, sure one transport carrying 1marine, but stack 20 cessnas with 20 marines and suddenly it's not such a good idea.
I will chew you up and sh*t origami.
11.03.2011 - 10:33
Still think this is a horrible idea...would overpower the player using it, and end up with him starting in north korea -not even invading a country, and just sending marines in stealth trans to germanys capitol, were your at.
16.03.2011 - 13:10
Okay, how bout this.

The air transport is stealth only if it caries marines or stealth units.

If it caries one milita visible.

I would love stealth transports, with stealths just doesnt cut it. Marines are slow.
17.03.2011 - 01:01
Wr1tt3n by Garde, 11.03.2011 at 10:33

Still think this is a horrible idea...would overpower the player using it, and end up with him starting in north korea -not even invading a country, and just sending marines in stealth trans to germanys capitol, were your at.

For balance purpose the stealth plane carrying 1 marines would be ok.

The cost of thoses planes is so high that you can't send 25 marines with them when the game start.
How many turns do you need to fly from Korea to Germany ? Check it Gardevoir, and compare numbers with subs doing the same way.
17.03.2011 - 14:27

For balance purpose the stealth plane carrying 1 marines would be ok.

The cost of thoses planes is so high that you can't send 25 marines with them when the game start.
How many turns do you need to fly from Korea to Germany ? Check it Gardevoir, and compare numbers with subs doing the same way.

I still think it would be horrible, because the cost of the unit would be too muc like you said, and the majority of players aren't willing to make 25 of these things over a period of time to have a stealth advantage over their foe, it's much easier just to use air trans. and drop off your stealth's rather than make a pointless unit which would end up getting destroyed easily anyways -at least if was just a air trans with stealth.
17.03.2011 - 15:17
Of course the idea would be nice to have however as people said above me you have to make such unit really expensive (Or a rare unit for that matter)

Then again, if one stealth transport ship can only transport 1 marine, the price may be lowered again, to a price of 500 perhaps.

The ship wouldn't be as useful but may still be used. I think being able to carry 2 marines and the price of 500 would kind of balance it out.

As a player you should always have men in your main capital, no matter what you are. If you don't, you are simply dead if the player is fast enough or has stealth.
17.03.2011 - 15:18
The hole point is "STEALTH" and in my suggestion there could be an upgrade to make stealths have a +1 so they could carry one marine. and it could be just for people that use MoS..

If you know how to use stealth right you can turn a game around in 1 turn... Gardevoir lets play a 1 VS 1 and I will show you why a stealth player can tare you apart and you had no idea it was coming...

I like how the game is but buying Air trans because there easier is stupid....

if you started to fly some air trans over at me im attacking them... oops there goes your men..

well next time your on.. message me/pm me and we can do a 1 vs 1 I would be glad to play

and you can pick first
17.03.2011 - 15:20
Wr1tt3n by MarcJr, 17.03.2011 at 15:18

The hole point is "STEALTH" and in my suggestion there could be an upgrade to make stealths have a +1 so they could carry one marine. and it could be just for people that use MoS..

If you know how to use stealth right you can turn a game around in 1 turn... Gardevoir lets play a 1 VS 1 and I will show you why a stealth player can tare you apart and you had no idea it was coming...

I like how the game is but buying Air trans because there easier is stupid....

if you started to fly some air trans over at me im attacking them... oops there goes your men..

well next time your on.. message me/pm me and we can do a 1 vs 1 I would be glad to play

and you can pick first

Sorry I don't 1v1, as I find that war-games try to be realistic, and in real modern war, everyone has an ally.
17.03.2011 - 15:53
So your saying your not confident enough in your skills to play all alone... do you really need someone to hold your hand into battle?

Updated ;) since its was locked

"You just made my day" awwww... well how about a 1 vs 1 for fun

and... people like me... you dont even know who I am

also I think people in general would like us to have a game... just for fun.. and maybe picks to go along with it... or even a post just about our match ... what do you think...

all in all.. I just enjoy the game like you I just am in a good mood today and enjoy to pick on people

and I think it would be "FUN" to have a game with you what do you say... maybe we could have a poll and let the community decide?

any thoughts.
17.03.2011 - 15:57
Wr1tt3n by MarcJr, 17.03.2011 at 15:53

So your saying your not confident enough in your skills to play all alone... do you really need someone to hold your hand into battle?

You just made my day. So your calling me weak over a game? people like you are why I don't play Xbox Live anymore. And if you hadn't noticed, I don't play games to be the best, I play games to have fun. If you feel it necessary to talk about this any longer, PM me because im sure the good people on here do not want to hear us arguing.

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