G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
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23.02.2011 - 17:36
I noticed when building units in the city menu, I usually build the maximum available amount of a unit of the same kind.
It would be of great improvement if there was a max key instead of clicking the (+) button 6 or 7 times each time I'm in a different city's menu.
A button like this already already exists when moving units, so perhaps a modified version of that would be implimented into the city menu for unit building.
23.02.2011 - 18:52
Try this...

1) in the city menu, at the bottom, turn auto-build on to the unit you want to produce max of... you can do this with many cities and or countries at the same time

2) go to your Cities menu, click the 'Auto-Production tab, then click 'Execute All'
23.02.2011 - 18:54
You can also just hold the + button.
02.03.2011 - 15:36
Some times auto-production can be costly and so don't exactly want to auto produce all the time. I think a simple button that allows you to to build the max of one type of unit in the city screen would be a nice add-on.

Also holding the + button is good for now but it does consume a few seconds, in a big game when you are the super power and everyone else is teaming up on you those seconds add up and having a single button to reduce the time is greatly appreciated.

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