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09.03.2011 - 13:14
A fueled 747 from NY can land in Iceland in less then a day yet it took my air transports almost 14 WEEKS to cross the Pasific??
1)units move 1/2 there normal real life move this will represent a Halfdays movement
2)Change turns to Halfday,this gives people adiquite time to respond to incoming attacks.

Here is an example.
US wants to Nuke russia and there ICBM's can hit russia in 1 day BUT russia would have the whole day to respond in real life

1 half of the day goes by and russia decides to retaliate and the us see's there missles comming at the end of the day.

if the unit of time was Full days then russia would never get there missles of the ground. I use this example because alot of folks are going to ask about In game units. So best to use a Hypothetical unit not ingame with a much higher move then anything we are useing ingame now to show total movement ability.

to determin Unit range use a 8 hour mover per half day to simulate a full 16 our move+ 8 hours of rest/Battle
Where's the BEEF!
10.03.2011 - 10:31
Then again when the missile is close enough it can still do instant damage in a half-day?

You are basically suggesting less movement range and more turns (?)

I mean, that's how it sounds. Unless you make the units being able to move real time just like "Defcon" it doesnt really work.

Plus units correspondent to their real life counterparts, however this may make the game really unbalanced as you can do almost everything with a transport that way.
10.03.2011 - 12:14
Right you could do alot with a transport But in real life transports dont have wepon systems
your talking about making it so they can hit turky from UK in one day. the only thing you would have to adjust for transports to be ballanced is that it takes time for troops to get loaded
For example:
i have infentry 30 miles away from my transport(basicly touching it) it still will take 1 hour to load them all and get the transport off the ground, now the transports range of 600miles for a halfday is now 500 miles when they load up. Now they fly 400 miles. to leave the troops abord time to unload also takeing 1 hour now my transports are on the ground and my troops are protecting them. BUT if i move my transport 500 miles its in the air if it gets intercepted by a bomber causing me to loose all my troops and my transport to 1 bomber.this would force people to either move troops into friendly areas or risk loosing all there transports when they goto unload them.

In the proposed system everything adds to the total time taken as of now you can move your troops load them fly full distance unload them and move there remaining distance thats= to 2 turns of movement.
New system troops move there full move but trans cant move now because they spent the day waiting for the troops to get there. OR trans moves full distance but its in the air full of troops because it has no time left to land and unload it did its full move.

this is why troops are never airlifted into battle unless there paratroopers.
Where's the BEEF!
10.03.2011 - 13:31
...when I saw that wall of text I spilled my coffee...
10.03.2011 - 14:55
I think the system you propose would make the a bit more advanced than the makers want it to be.

However one thing catched my eye, even though you didnt explain it:

Perhaps the more men you put in a transport ship the less far it can go?
11.03.2011 - 23:35
Did you know that thereticly under the curent system you could fly your troops compleatly around the globe in 1 turn?
meaning move the same 4 inf from 1 ari unit to the next bouncing it all the way around the world
Thats not to realistic either.
Where's the BEEF!
13.03.2011 - 00:16
Its kindah cool though

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