G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 2   V1s1t3d by: 26 users
09.02.2011 - 02:37
OK, you put many of colors in the game (I mean colors of you country, that choose when start the game) and everything is OK if are 4-5 players in one game .... but if you have 15 players in one game you can choose similar colors (3/4 types of green and blue) and that making difficult to recognize players.

I suggest the you (because you can't invent other colors) do some of this:

1. make colors ''filled'' (not to be transparent like it is, and not to be completely filled)
2. put, maybe, black and white colors
3. put some print on the colors ... witch will made that you have nicer maps and no confusions (like stripes, dots, stars, or any other symbol)

09.02.2011 - 06:27
And for the lighter colors it might be nice to show army numbers in BLACK text instead of white--trying to figure out how many units the yellow player has in Paris is often a pain....

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