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12.02.2011 - 22:10
I was looking through the strategy upgrades you can purchase, and I found that they don't offer a very good description of what they do. For instance: The Master of Stealth strategy states that Marines and submarines become more advanced. What exactly does that mean? You can't tell what it does, until you buy the strategy and test it for yourself.

My suggestion is, when choosing a new strategy, there should be an option to pull up the chart that has all the units on it *the one you can pull up when in a game* and see what changes the strategy makes on said units.

With my example on the Master of Stealth, for Marines, the chart would show the increase movement on marines, as well as the damage increase.

I would like to try some of the unlockable strategies, but seeing "advanced" doesn't help me in choosing if I want to purchase it or not, if I don't even know what the changes are.
13.02.2011 - 02:37
 Ivan (4dm1n)
OK, we will add detailed descriptions once the numbers are more settled, probably once we're out of beta.
13.02.2011 - 11:02
Alright thanks.

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