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P0st3d by Estus, 24.11.2020 - 06:28

As usual, the year is coming to an end and we shall pick the PLAYER AND MODERATOR OF THE YEAR! This year 2020 was at the very least difficult, AtWar has gone through some ups and downs, but the important thing is that we are still here and the game continues to strengthen little by little. I intend to talk a little more in the next edition of ATN about the latest events, so I will be brief.

Community choice deadline: 15th December, 2020.

❯❯ Voting for POTY

The 2020 Player of the Year it's the most important one, because it is necessary more than ever to recognize good companions in troubled times. So, let us vote for that greatest comrade, with admirable skills, who shares good ideas, has fun and always provides a fair game.

In order to vote for the POTY, fill the application below:

Player: insert player name here
Reason: talk about the player you're voting
Your favorite moment: share a good moment or fun screenshot that you can remember

❯❯ Voting for MOTY

AtWar moderation is just as important as your player base, so choose your candidate wisely to be Moderator of the Year. Your choice is a reflection of what AtWar brings to our comrades.

In order to vote for the MOTY, fill the application below:

Player: insert moderator name here
Reason: talk about the moderator you're voting
Your favorite moment: share a good moment or fun screenshot that you can remember


29.11.2020 - 18:52
Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 29.11.2020 at 17:16

If Croat doesn't get MOTY I'm gonna kill Waffle.

Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
29.11.2020 - 22:40
Poty: estus
Reason: the effort he put this year to organize events and carry atwar overall, i really appreciate that.
Moty: all of them looks gay to me, but people likes croat, so he has my vote too.
30.11.2020 - 14:11
Wr1tt3n by Waffel, 29.11.2020 at 17:23

30.11.2020 - 14:13
Wr1tt3n by Nero, 29.11.2020 at 18:52

You're mod of the decade. We gotta throw these other mods a bone <3.
01.12.2020 - 02:48
Player: Clovis 1122

Reason: A man with high morals with generous contribution to at war
*enough atwar, leaving it for the game of real life
02.12.2020 - 09:47
Player; estus

Hosted a scenario tournament, which has good organisation.
03.12.2020 - 11:29
Best player: Clovis 1122
He ALWAYS was kind and trully cared about the problems users had. More than once he saved me from bugs. It is sad he is no longer an admin. That is why i vote for him for best player.

Best mod: Croat
The guy always answers quickly when I ask for help, and i've seen how much he pains attention to the chat so anyone crosses the line. Is good to have a mod like him.
03.12.2020 - 23:24
Player: Fatcheek

Reason: I've watched him improve tremendously as a player in the last year. He's also one of the more respectful players. And while others verbally assault him relentlessly (e.g. calling him names like "fatshit" and "fatfuck"), he handles himself well.

My favorite moment: That's hard to say, because there are several. I would say the times we would both be on the same team on WW1, both being insulted by the "pro" players, with "pro" players on the other team, and we beat them. Case and point: Eren, who I've done nothing to, has me completely blocked on the basis I'm supposedly that noob of a players. Right after Eren blocked me for being so noob, he was AH and I was Serbia. Fatcheek was also on Entente. Eren then suicided on me. Entente went on to win that game. I've seen many games where Fatcheek has done very well, beating the so called "pro" players.
04.12.2020 - 11:39

Player: Clovis1122
Reason: High performance player during a long period of time, writing threads and helping community and players daily. No longer admin but still memorable player.


Player: Croat
Reason: Excellent behaviour, always willing to help and commited to game and help players

Special mentions

Players: Estus, Alois, Same, Lion Sin Escanor, Sun Tsu...
All of them are or have been promoting community, competitive game among noobs, teaching, willing to help hosting tourneys or participating on daily game life.
04.12.2020 - 15:13
POTY for me is either DireWarlord99 or Estus.

DireWarlord99: When looking at maps made, this was his year. As a community we saw him publish the formerly relatively obscure yet popular Warhammer Fantasy setting. As the maps were made, the quality has improved to a point of excellency. He was always open to feedback and never wavered in his devotion to publish new content for the community. In addition to that, I find him to be one of the nicest and most honest guys in the game.

Estus: Took the effort to host the first real scenario tournament for the community in addition to some other forum game earlier in the year. He is a familiar name in the community not only due to these events but also due to his maps, which are fairly popular aswell, notably the ww2. In addition to that I've always seen him be respectful to people, even when they bashed his map in a disrespectful manner.

MOTY is Croat for me, the mod i had most (all positive) interactions with troughout the year.
04.12.2020 - 19:47
Wr1tt3n by The_Empirezz, 04.12.2020 at 15:13

POTY for me is either DireWarlord99 or Estus.

DireWarlord99: When looking at maps made, this was his year. As a community we saw him publish the formerly relatively obscure yet popular Warhammer Fantasy setting. As the maps were made, the quality has improved to a point of excellency. He was always open to feedback and never wavered in his devotion to publish new content for the community. In addition to that, I find him to be one of the nicest and most honest guys in the game.

Estus: Took the effort to host the first real scenario tournament for the community in addition to some other forum game earlier in the year. He is a familiar name in the community not only due to these events but also due to his maps, which are fairly popular aswell, notably the ww2. In addition to that I've always seen him be respectful to people, even when they bashed his map in a disrespectful manner.

MOTY is Croat for me, the mod i had most (all positive) interactions with troughout the year.

06.12.2020 - 01:27
Wr1tt3n by The_Empirezz, 04.12.2020 at 15:13

POTY for me is either DireWarlord99 or Estus.

DireWarlord99: When looking at maps made, this was his year. As a community we saw him publish the formerly relatively obscure yet popular Warhammer Fantasy setting. As the maps were made, the quality has improved to a point of excellency. He was always open to feedback and never wavered in his devotion to publish new content for the community. In addition to that, I find him to be one of the nicest and most honest guys in the game.

Estus: Took the effort to host the first real scenario tournament for the community in addition to some other forum game earlier in the year. He is a familiar name in the community not only due to these events but also due to his maps, which are fairly popular aswell, notably the ww2. In addition to that I've always seen him be respectful to people, even when they bashed his map in a disrespectful manner.

MOTY is Croat for me, the mod i had most (all positive) interactions with troughout the year.

Estus trolled the tournament, lied to a lot of people, you can't mention him
07.12.2020 - 17:04
Only 1 week left, bro!

09.12.2020 - 00:51
Message deleted by Croat. Reason: Irrelevant
09.12.2020 - 00:54
Message deleted by Croat. Reason: Irrelevant
13.12.2020 - 17:34
Player of the year: Taibi

Reason: Taibi does not come on the forums very often, but he is always in-game and is one of the best scenario players. Most WW1 games would have failed this year if not for him. He knows when to and to not take a game seriously, and he is by far the most underrated player in atWar.

Your favorite moment: We would coordinate in WW1 all the time and he would let me ally cap his land. I remember when I was Romania, he let me ally cap all of France, and I was able to make Romania uber alles.

Moderator of the year: Cold Case

Reason: My decision for moderator of the year is not based on who I like most, or who others like most. Instead, my decision is based on who, out of every mod, actually performed their job well. Cold Case performed very well this year, and I would give him a 2% raise if he was paid. His relative performance was unmatched, in my opinion.

Your favorite moment: Whenever Cold Case was in charge of a situation in which I violated a rule, he would read my appeal and look for proof beyond reasonable doubt. I was often unable to provide enough proof, but knowing that he reads the entirety of my appeal and takes his job seriously makes me feel comfortable with him in charge. He did his job well, he took his job seriously, and he always tried to make the right decision, regardless of how the situation initially transpired. Therefore, he deserves moderator of the year.
Happiness = reality - expectations
16.12.2020 - 18:29

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