G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 8   V1s1t3d by: 45 users
07.06.2017 - 20:41
I'd like to make a map. But the map editor seems to not work. Is it bugged? I have a great idea for a map and I cant seem to get the darn thing to work.
07.06.2017 - 22:11
Admins should stop advertising map maker as prem perk for now... False advertising.
09.06.2017 - 11:32
It seems that some refunds are in order. In all seriousness, the lack of any support for this game now-a-days is just mind boggling. The rest of us have the exact same issue, where Silverlight and HTML5 don't work unless you have to reinstall an older version of the browser, only to get a pop-up message that says: "Server Disconnected: Connection Error". Hopefully there's going to be some sort of fix for it in the future, but seeing as how little the Admins seem to care about problems such as these, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's never addressed.
09.06.2017 - 14:37
Iv spoken with ivan, amok is not working on the game and Ivan is not a developer, he is looking for developers to help with the game he is also teaching himself html. He is also getting help from pulse apparantly. So maybe something will happen soon. In the mean time the easiest way to use the map editor is to download the client.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
10.06.2017 - 09:32
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 09.06.2017 at 14:37

Iv spoken with ivan, amok is not working on the game and Ivan is not a developer, he is looking for developers to help with the game he is also teaching himself html. He is also getting help from pulse apparantly. So maybe something will happen soon. In the mean time the easiest way to use the map editor is to download the client.

Is amok done with atwar?
10.06.2017 - 10:09
Wr1tt3n by Zenith, 10.06.2017 at 09:32

Wr1tt3n by Helly, 09.06.2017 at 14:37

Iv spoken with ivan, amok is not working on the game and Ivan is not a developer, he is looking for developers to help with the game he is also teaching himself html. He is also getting help from pulse apparantly. So maybe something will happen soon. In the mean time the easiest way to use the map editor is to download the client.

Is amok done with atwar?

Yes, for the foreseeable future.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
11.06.2017 - 13:36
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 10.06.2017 at 10:09

Wr1tt3n by Zenith, 10.06.2017 at 09:32

Wr1tt3n by Helly, 09.06.2017 at 14:37

Iv spoken with ivan, amok is not working on the game and Ivan is not a developer, he is looking for developers to help with the game he is also teaching himself html. He is also getting help from pulse apparantly. So maybe something will happen soon. In the mean time the easiest way to use the map editor is to download the client.

Is amok done with atwar?

Yes, for the foreseeable future.

Lol..that sucks
11.06.2017 - 14:17
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 09.06.2017 at 14:37

Iv spoken with ivan, amok is not working on the game and Ivan is not a developer, he is looking for developers to help with the game he is also teaching himself html. He is also getting help from pulse apparantly. So maybe something will happen soon. In the mean time the easiest way to use the map editor is to download the client.

Client is down tho

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