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11.06.2017 - 23:13
What decides who gets the offensive advantage in a battle? For instance, if i send 5 cavalry at someone while simultaneously they send 5 at me. what decides who gets offensive.
11.06.2017 - 23:23
Movement priority basically
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

13.06.2017 - 06:59
 brianwl (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by Baradeer, 11.06.2017 at 23:13

What decides who gets the offensive advantage in a battle? For instance, if i send 5 cavalry at someone while simultaneously they send 5 at me. what decides who gets offensive.

In addition to priority, another factor with mixed stacks is if you attack him and he attacks you, your offensive units will alternate attack and defense once your defensive units are killed off.

So it's 'attacker 1 attacks' 'attacker 2 defends' 'attacker 1 defends' 'attacker 2 attacks' -

Note this is only in a clear stack vs stack situation... once you merge stacks and do multiple attacks from a merged stacks, it is generally move priority, and you will be defending.


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