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11.02.2017 - 04:07
Search showed a few topics but not what i was looking for

if my sentry is spotted by another sentry- is it now visible to the enemy after i move it(like subs or marines are after being in battle in the open)

it still shows the "stealth" icon after moving but not sure if numbnuts can still see it

same with marines- if they are spotted but no battle- then move out of his sentry range - do they go back in stealth mode?
13.02.2017 - 17:25
 brianwl (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by Priapism, 11.02.2017 at 04:07

Search showed a few topics but not what i was looking for

if my sentry is spotted by another sentry- is it now visible to the enemy after i move it(like subs or marines are after being in battle in the open)

it still shows the "stealth" icon after moving but not sure if numbnuts can still see it

same with marines- if they are spotted but no battle- then move out of his sentry range - do they go back in stealth mode?

If you move them, they are still stealth-ed if they move to a place undetected - when they have the solid circle, then they will always be seen.

14.02.2017 - 01:30
Cool thanks thougth so but wanted to be sure

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