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We tweaked unit stats. Did it help?

Yes, it's better now
Nope, still bad

T0t4l v0t3s: 90
25.02.2011 - 05:28
After 4 games with different strategies, the tweaks are making the game better than past days, more dynamic and such.

I'll try to play some games or do more tests with other high ranked players.

Good job.
25.02.2011 - 12:46
Other than the fact that I feel like I'm learning a whole new game, they seem to be good. Battles are still much less "winner takes all", but the game comes more down to unit production. You really feel the lack of units two turns away from recruitment, but if you have them it is a great time to strike!
25.02.2011 - 14:04
I've done two long games with some "hardcore" players.We agree that the units are well balanced now.But .....

we are still missing the famous tactic side of the game, at the moment the game is pure math : if he attacks my x defending infantry, he'll loose y units, then I can counter attack with my z units and destroy all his units.Rinse and repeat.

One more time, I think some sort of stack bonus would be helpfull to bring more tactic ingame.(I'm a bit stubborn )

Last : battleships could have one more hp.

Keep up the good work.
25.02.2011 - 14:28
 Amok (4dm1n)
Rejoice, stack bonus will be added, soon!
25.02.2011 - 15:33
 Ivan (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by LiodaGobert, 25.02.2011 at 14:04

I've done two long games with some "hardcore" players.We agree that the units are well balanced now.But .....

we are still missing the famous tactic side of the game, at the moment the game is pure math : if he attacks my x defending infantry, he'll loose y units, then I can counter attack with my z units and destroy all his units.Rinse and repeat.

One more time, I think some sort of stack bonus would be helpfull to bring more tactic ingame.(I'm a bit stubborn )

Last : battleships could have one more hp.

Keep up the good work.

Personally, I don't mind things being less random - I believe the more predictable things are, the more room for strategy. If you think about it, the outcome of a chess move is 100% certain, and yet the game itself can be played in over 400 billion (!) different combinations. If Afterwind gets a bit closer to chess, it's not necessarily a bad thing.

I realize that apart from strategy, there's a fun and excitement factor. There has to be a certain amount of unpredictability, otherwise games would become boring. We are planning to address this with soon to be introduced rare units and (more distant) cards, and we have some other ideas too. The battles are also random enough now not to be completely predictable.

I agree about battleships - but Amok is adamant that we should keep the same HP for all base units...
26.02.2011 - 00:40
I'm a chess player also, and I agree with you Ivan.
But I play wargames as you said : for unpredictability.
-You can't stack your horses in chess to attack the queen in a hardest way, in afterwind you can .....So what's the point of making a hole in your defence for lauching a hard attack ?

The butterfly effect (or Murphy's law) should be in simulation games.
What if General Grouchy didn't eat his stawberry and came 1 hour sooner with his cavalry division in Waterloo ?

Don't misunderstood me : Afterwind in the current state has a lot of unpredactibility.
26.02.2011 - 10:56
Stack bonus ....very good.
It's ok.

Let's do more testing now
26.02.2011 - 19:30
What happened with attacking ports with ships? did something happen that I was not aware of?
27.02.2011 - 06:05
What did you see Marcjr ? Explain please

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