G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
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23.12.2016 - 08:43
Hey guys, I need your expertise to confirm what I learned (just to avoid taking a bug as a fact).

So I own Delhi since many turns.
The three red (i'm colorblind, might be brown for what I know) units forming a wall around Delhi were wallfucked last turn by the unit to the right of Delhi.
Then, I brought a new unit (the one to the left of Delhi) to wallfuck any other attempt to wall the city.
I wake up this morning and Lo and Behold! Delhi is walled, and I can't bring my hundreds of units back in Delhi.

I understand by this that auto-walling by unattacked units present the previous turn is STRONGER THAN bringing a new unit to prevent walling.

I just want your confirmation on this "rule" before taking a mere bug as the truth.

So ... is auto-walling stronger than wallfucking?

23.12.2016 - 08:45
As you said to avoid auto-walling from happening hit one of the units that will form it.
23.12.2016 - 08:59
Wr1tt3n by Cold Case, 23.12.2016 at 08:45

As you said to avoid auto-walling from happening hit one of the units that will form it.


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