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P0st3d by Tundy, 19.09.2015 - 23:07
The silverlight editor was garbage and the current html5 editor is just as garbage. So here is a list of suggestions that caught my attention or are quite popular among the forum community.

Map & Scenario Editor Suggestions

Need to have

Remove Unit Restrictions Link
(Tags) Map Editor City/Recruiting Overhaul. Link

Like to have

Allow us to group units in "classes" to make it easier when adding defense bonuses against them.
(Like Risk Missions) Custom Events & Triggers in AtWar Link Link Link Link
Import Units from other maps Link
Allowing rare units to have a 100% chance of spawning when you take a city Link
Folders/place holders for units: This would organize units to categories to make it more organized and faster for map makers.

Nice to have

Better Map Filters Link Link
Redo Button (In Map Editor) Link
Maps bigger than 9999 x 9999 - Link
Custom Resources for custom maps Link
More Rights and Privileges to Collaborators Link Link
Custom Strategies for Custom Maps Link
Allowing us to to place rare units in the scenario editor (as events) Link
Custom unit icon Link
Longer unit description box Link
Custom Alliances Link
Custom Music for Scenarios/Maps
Banned alliances between certain players: This would be great for map makers to prevent two OP factions/countries from allying and dominating the game which makes it no fun.
rank restriction of countries/sides in a scenario/map
Auto walling in scenarios: Apparently the units don't auto wall when set and it would be more convenient if they do.
Explosive/one time units: So a ''remove unit upon engagement'' -Sheba option where you could only use the unit once then it disintegrates. This would be useful for bombs and nukes in scenarios.
Sending units: This would add realism but would need to figure out how not to make it OP. Maybe 10 units sending per turn max.
Make: "this city can only be taken by specific unit"; Could be useful to elaborate a new lign of maps (and scenarios) that include "side developments" (technological and economic) and could function as "trigger cities" and/or "trigger units". As innital attempts, check scenarios like Medieval Civicus or Arvond.

This list is updated as of January of 2019, if u have any ideas feel free to post or send me a PM. For ideas not related to the map editor or scenarios, look here: [2019] The Tactician's Compilation of Ideas+
10.01.2019 - 16:19
Have some light porn in it
10.01.2019 - 16:38
One very simple and important change is allow to remove your own maps.
"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." - Alexander the Great
10.01.2019 - 16:46
Wr1tt3n by Almis90, 10.01.2019 at 16:38

One very simple and important change is allow to remove your own maps.

You can already do it..
10.01.2019 - 17:51
Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 10.01.2019 at 16:46

Wr1tt3n by Almis90, 10.01.2019 at 16:38

One very simple and important change is allow to remove your own maps.

You can already do it..

"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." - Alexander the Great
11.01.2019 - 09:49
Wr1tt3n by Almis90, 10.01.2019 at 17:51

Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 10.01.2019 at 16:46

Wr1tt3n by Almis90, 10.01.2019 at 16:38

One very simple and important change is allow to remove your own maps.

You can already do it..


Oh, apologies, thought you were referring to older maps, hence my instinctive response. Nonetheless, you can simply just unpublish them and store them in your 'vault', doesn't harm you, as far as I know
11.01.2019 - 11:59
Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 11.01.2019 at 09:49

Wr1tt3n by Almis90, 10.01.2019 at 17:51

Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 10.01.2019 at 16:46

Wr1tt3n by Almis90, 10.01.2019 at 16:38

One very simple and important change is allow to remove your own maps.

You can already do it..


Oh, apologies, thought you were referring to older maps, hence my instinctive response. Nonetheless, you can simply just unpublish them and store them in your 'vault', doesn't harm you, as far as I know

Well yeah but I still would like to keep it clean and it probably will take very small effort to implement.
"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." - Alexander the Great
11.01.2019 - 21:25
Wr1tt3n by Almis90, 11.01.2019 at 11:59

Well yeah but I still would like to keep it clean and it probably will take very small effort to implement.

Definitely a thing to care for. I noted it down bud
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