G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 4   V1s1t3d by: 99 users
19.02.2020 - 06:35
From my perspective and game experience for me these are the best countries to start from turn 0 in the 50k south china, united states atlantic and turkey. not forgetting the advantage of India over China in terms of the number of troops in turn 1 but if you do not manage your funds well this can make you lose quickly against an experienced Chinese.
19.02.2020 - 12:27
Whenever I play as China and there's an India, the India is always steamrolled. China's expansion is very good, and India's price will set the player back quite a bit and make him lose against China in a war of attrition.
Wr1tt3n by Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
19.02.2020 - 12:47
Wr1tt3n by notserral, 19.02.2020 at 12:27

Whenever I play as China and there's an India, the India is always steamrolled. China's expansion is very good, and India's price will set the player back quite a bit and make him lose against China in a war of attrition.

I'd say it's because you're rusty,but hey,that's just me.

19.02.2020 - 23:32
Bah in the end 50k is only tank spam + rushing any noob who picked close to you

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