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P0sts: 2   V1s1t3d by: 46 users
20.12.2018 - 12:54
Essentially, my idea is possibly making it so premium strategies are also attainable through protocoins, along with them being free when you have premium. And if you purchase them through PC's perhaps make it so you also have to unlock it with SP so it doesn't seem like you're completely negating it for premium players. That way non-premiums have a way to attain these strats without having premium and the game can still make money from premium strategies and it also gives more reason to purchase protocoins and in regards to protocoin drops in game, potentially make it so they're only attainable through purchased PC's rather than in-game acquired PC's.
I'm open to ideas, if you have any potential tweaks to this idea, share them.
20.12.2018 - 13:36
Also, I've had this question, in regards to people with premium already: you'll still have your premium strategies because you already paid for the premium strats when you bought the premium bundle

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