29.04.2012 - 21:34
I need to buy more games /aw/! What are some good ones? I'm into most kinds of games, but I don't usually enjoy long, pointless RPGs (Like most Final Fantasy games; even though I love them, but I don't like playing them often). I really enjoy open-world games with weird or surreal styles, like [Prototype] and Fallout. Also, don't recommend games that are impossible to buy anymore. So, you can recommend any games on the platforms below, also tell me how much it would usually be, how long it is, what it's about (no spoilers), and rate it 1-5. Also, if you can, provide a Boxshot or screenshots. I currently own these platforms, so i can play anything on them: So you can recommend any games on these systems, just remember what I said above though. Also, I've been looking at Tribes: Ascend, and NeverDead, are they any good? Thanks in advance!
29.04.2012 - 22:07
The Witcher, 1 and 2. You're welcome. ![]()
30.04.2012 - 02:42
PC: Alpha Centauri Populous the Beginning (Two of the best strategy games ever frankly) PS1: First three Crash Bandicoots Future Cop: LAPD Mr. Driller Team Buddies Destruction Derby Raw Kula World Jade Cacoon
30.04.2012 - 04:18
World of Warcraft Pokemon Fifa2013 Hitman.Hitman2 Star Wars Formula2012 AGE of Empires 1,2,3,4,5, Empireearth caunterstrike RED Alert 1.2
---- ![]()
30.04.2012 - 12:08
My gawd you have so many game system it makes mine look puny. LilD's Game Systems:
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
30.04.2012 - 13:34
XBOX 360
Wii (I don't have this)
Gamecube (I don't have this, but I've played on one a lot)
Dreamcast (I don't have this)
PSOne (I don't have this, but I've played on one an awful, awful lot)
PlayStation 2 (I don't have this, but I've played on one a lot)
PC Too many to list, I'll post them tomorrow if I don't get horribly distracted as I always do. 3DS (I have ye olde DS Lite)
(An?)Droid (I have a shitty HTC Wildfire, the weakest-performing of all, which can barely run any games at all.)
GameBoyAdvance SP
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
30.04.2012 - 13:44
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for Gamecube.
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
30.04.2012 - 14:55
Will have to check The Witcher out, never heard of it.
Ehh, played A.C. before, not the best but certainly not bad. Never heard of P.T.B., i'll look into it.
WoW? Never! I will never play that game for fear of me getting addicted to that too lol. I'm not a big Football fan, but I've never played Fifa, but apparently it's good, so i'll check Steam and OnLive for it. Pokémon? C'mon man, do you really think I haven't played those games for hours upon hours? My username is only the best one afterall ![]() Star Wars? Which one? The new Kinect one is a mediocre piece of trash, so I hope you mean some of the better ones like Bounty Hunter or Lego :3 Age of Empires huh? I was so sure nobody would mention that here...but alas, I was wrong. I've played one of them extensively, quite good. I believe it was either the first or the second, been a while. Counter-strike is an amazing Half-Life spin-off, played that for hours a long time ago. Red Alert is my favorite strategy series! Red Alert 3 especially, playing with 2 buddies on XBL and just make a huge Military city on a coastal map is one of the best experiences i've ever had ^_^
My god Yoba, that was a HUGE post! ![]() Alright, so let's get to this HUGE reply! Jet Set Radio. My god, I want to play this game, but my local gamestore never has it ![]() ![]() ![]() I've never liked Battlefield other than Bad company (Another game i'll play for hours with anyone, amazing game), but from what I've heard, B3 is pretty good. I've never played any Fable games, but I plan on purchasing the original on my next outing to the mall (Gotta pick $100 worth of games every time ![]()
30.04.2012 - 20:17
A really good game for gamecube that is not as well known as it should be is "Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem". It's one of the best horror games ever. Also for the gamecube, "Metroid Prime" is one of my favourite games of all time. For playstation I recommend Any "Metal Gear" game or the first couple "Resident Evil games" (the hilarious voice acting alone makes it worth it ![]() ![]()
---- This doesn't really say anything, it's just a space filler while I try to come up with a better signature.
01.05.2012 - 13:08
Come on Gard, summer is about to hit the town, buy a bike, take some dudes out for dinner and all that. Don't play games. But if you must, try the 'Star Wars: Old Republic' games (not the MMO). I liked them quite alot. Also, Gothic 1 and 2. You might find them somewhere to download. Two pretty old German RPGs, which got translated into English too though. My favorite games.
01.05.2012 - 13:44
lol, nobody can go outside in the summer, in Tri-County, remember? ![]() I've heard you talk about Gothic a lot and actually looked them up, seem really good!
01.05.2012 - 20:03
no. just no go get a n64 emulator and play Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time
01.05.2012 - 20:07
Ocarina is boring as shit, not gonna lie. Majora's mask is apparently coming out for 3DS, so i'll get it for that ![]()
01.05.2012 - 20:17
Anyway gard, i have played so many pc games and console games over the years i have lost count, literally. my gaming addiction started by when i got my first PS1, i had hundreds of games on disks my dad had downloaded and burned for my ps1(on dialup, or slightly faster than dialup, rofl), still have them all. then i got a PC, i started whoring gba roms, n64/snes/nes roms and old games my computer could handle. I have 400 cd/dvds of games, may not have completed them all. i currently own 200+ xbox360 and ps3 games, all of them completed. i upgraded my system 2 years ago and have basically played every notable pc game since 2 years. 4TB of games are on various externals in my house, etc etc tbh, the games i have fully completed is probably well over 1000 by now. i'm the type of guy, who picked up skyrim, and completed all the major storues and sidequests in one sitting, i probably need help with my addiction. i might compile of games/series that are worth getting into at some point, just remind me at some point.
01.05.2012 - 22:00
Machinarium. Trust me.
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
01.05.2012 - 22:07
I recommend this game for PC. If you can go whole 10 minutes listening to it you'll get a medal! ![]()
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
4r3 y0u sur3?