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01.12.2017 - 02:21
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Am i the only one who doesn't really understand why mountains aren't considered in the classical maps ? Pyrenees or the Alps for example (not even talking about Himalaya) shouldn't they be a valuable reason for slowing inf, tank etc (which increase the interest of using AT)

I'm not saying they should be uncrossable but at least when u're doing a straight line from milan to munich for example, your range should be reduce a little.

I assume it would be an additional difficulty (program and play), but i think it worth to think about it.

U guys have an opinion ?
01.12.2017 - 08:10
I agree that If there is difference between temperature, mountain, lake, shoal and marsh, there will be more fun in this game
But I think it will be difficult to make a change
02.12.2017 - 16:22
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 01.12.2017 at 02:21

Am i the only one who doesn't really understand why mountains aren't considered in the classical maps ? Pyrenees or the Alps for example (not even talking about Himalaya) shouldn't they be a valuable reason for slowing inf, tank etc (which increase the interest of using AT)

I'm not saying they should be uncrossable but at least when u're doing a straight line from milan to munich for example, your range should be reduce a little.

I assume it would be an additional difficulty (program and play), but i think it worth to think about it.

U guys have an opinion ?

Your asking for a bunch of recoding to add a terrain modifier system that doesn't even exsist.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.

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