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12.11.2015 - 17:12
If I remember it right, under Guerilla Warfare Marines had more range, and milita were actually useful. It seems that in my absence, this speciality has been changed.

Is there another tactic that is sort of an equivalent nowadays?
12.11.2015 - 17:15
GW is still pretty good actually, but with PD you have pretty nice milita and MoS gives you more powerful stealth units

12.11.2015 - 18:43
Wr1tt3n by ianneman, 12.11.2015 at 17:12

It is still like what you described. Perhaps you simply forgot some/all of the basic unit stats (and what they are with GW) in your long absence.

I use it a lot, and it's still fun.

"For out of the ground we were taken
For the dust we are,
And to the dust we shall return"
13.11.2015 - 00:33
Wr1tt3n by ianneman, 12.11.2015 at 17:12

If I remember it right, under Guerilla Warfare Marines had more range, and milita were actually useful. It seems that in my absence, this speciality has been changed.

Is there another tactic that is sort of an equivalent nowadays?

It doesn't give you added range to marines (that's an upgrade you can buy), but makes them cheaper, and it makes your militia stronger and gives them range. GW is one of the strongest strats right now so play it while you can.

Welcome back.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

13.11.2015 - 02:33
GW became stronger.

To rephase Laochra:

"What they don't know is that GW militias never got a Nerf after fixing the cities bonus. GW militias in general stack are the 2nd strongest land units when it comes to defense, only beated by IF infantries and matching GC infantries."
15.11.2015 - 12:30
Thanks for your replies guys, I guess I just need to get back into things

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