G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 2   V1s1t3d by: 41 users
13.12.2021 - 02:22
Hello fellow players,
I'm still looking for players to start a new round of a game in a hyphetic GoT world (actual 16 participants). I cloned and reworked a map (Game of Thrones Perfected) from Banjo that was revised by MCHammers1.
In terms of time, this GoT Map plays in the time after Brandon the Broken, i.e. according to the corresponding books by George R.R. Martin or the television series from HBO.
As a result, of course, some things have changed. For example, there is no longer the Night King and the Dead, and House Frey, Bolton and Tyrell have disappeared. Also there are (currently) no more dragons.
To do this, however, I integrated many units into the game that I found in the source books, but that did not play a major role in either the series or the books. To name a few examples, Greenskins, Zorsemen, Lion of Knight Soldiers, Umber Greenboys, Cersei's Drommonds, Jungle Warriors, various mercenary companies and many others.
I also created some new units to upgrade certain regions. Above all, the Shadow Cultists from Stygai (near Asshai) should be mentioned here.
I tried not to create units that would destroy the balance of the game, such as the dragons. I made strong units such as Giants, War Elephants, Faceless Men or the Golden Company particularly expensive or difficult to obtain.

Many units have received special abilities that make them particularly strong in combat against other units, while they are weaker in combat against other units.
For example, I have given many units advantages in fighting cavalry with spears, lances or pikes. There are archers who have advantages in the fight against elephants, or units that are particularly strong in attack and on the other hand are completely lost if they are attacked themselves.

To get even more information in this area, I just need more sample fights to see how fights end when different units collide.

The round that is currently starting will start again with the following parameters:
Name: Valar Morghulis
Game: http://atwar-game.com/games/?link=0197638937
- 48 hours
- 50,000 gold
- 1 starting country
- only one ally
- You can join the game up to round 99 and a re-entry is also allowed.

Experience has shown that the rounds that have started up to now took a very long time. The first game lasted over 50 rounds and the second game is in the 44 round with 8 participants (and nothing has been decided here yet). You should therefore have the will and the joy of a long game.

At this point I apologize for my Google English and hope that I can see you guys in the new game.

Friendly Hammerschlag
13.12.2021 - 04:33

Good luck have fun


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