Wr1tt3n by Guest, 04.01.2019 at 19:53
Merchandising right now is a shit-tier idea, unless it's something interesting like a coffee table book going over the history of this game or something. I'd drop €20 on something like that, but the generic T-Shirts/Hats etc crap won't ever sell.
Atwar toucans
Garde P0sts: 2842 Fr0m: Canada
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 04.01.2019 at 19:53
Merchandising right now is a shit-tier idea, unless it's something interesting like a coffee table book going over the history of this game or something. I'd drop €20 on something like that, but the generic T-Shirts/Hats etc crap won't ever sell.
Atwar toucans
Wr1tt3n by Sun Tsu, 04.01.2019 at 18:13
Then you need to figure out international shipping on one off lines and how thats is then factored in the price plus the logistics.
Yeah I agree with this. Plus atwar merchandise isn't really something that I would actually wear.
This is like asking people to wear naruto shirts like who wears naruto shirts thats cringy as fuck
Wr1tt3n by boywind2, 04.01.2019 at 20:40
This is like asking people to wear naruto shirts like who wears naruto shirts thats cringy as fuck
I agree, body-pillows are a better idea
Repeal and Replace
Wr1tt3n by zamroc8, 04.01.2019 at 20:54
Wr1tt3n by boywind2, 04.01.2019 at 20:40
This is like asking people to wear naruto shirts like who wears naruto shirts thats cringy as fuck
I agree, body-pillows are a better idea
only if the girls are actually boys and are prepubescent holding the aw sign
I wish we could do atWar-branded mini cannons. But oh my god the lawsuits would be horrendous...
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Wr1tt3n by Dave, 04.01.2019 at 21:14
I wish we could do atWar-branded mini cannons. But oh my god the lawsuits would be horrendous... 
Waffel is a lawyer, he can represent us.
Wr1tt3n by Dave, 04.01.2019 at 21:14
I wish we could do atWar-branded mini cannons. But oh my god the lawsuits would be horrendous... 
i wanna repost my question for the new administratorship
Do you sheep it to iran?
Also i'm excited to see if you have options like sending by pigeon or dolphin.
*enough atwar, leaving it for the game of real life
Pls dont fail again http://prntscr.com/m3h2z9
Only makes sense if you are in a RL gamer environment with some collective experience sense. I shoot (make guess).
I personally buy a sticker for my laptop that says AtWar
Not a good player
Garde P0sts: 2842 Fr0m: Canada
When can I order my Laochra and Clovis action figures with the free Unleashed villain pack?
Whawk 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 04.01.2019 at 19:53
Merchandising right now is a shit-tier idea, unless it's something interesting like a coffee table book going over the history of this game or something. I'd drop €20 on something like that, but the generic T-Shirts/Hats etc crap won't ever sell.
Atwar toucans
excuse me...
why would u go for toucans? u are getting on my nerves. we should be having atwar hawks. not happy with u
Wr1tt3n by Sid, 04.01.2019 at 21:20
Wr1tt3n by Dave, 04.01.2019 at 21:14
I wish we could do atWar-branded mini cannons. But oh my god the lawsuits would be horrendous... 
Waffel is a lawyer, he can represent us.
Here to defend on Portuguese Courts
I dont recommend you doing this. We did this 3 years ago and we failed
Since when does the Supporter ''team'' exist?...
Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks.
Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople
Merchandise is never a bad idea from a marketing POV. However, AtWar is a community, not just a game website. And, while I appreciate that as a commercial enterprise, ways of supporting the site beyond paying membership are important,. However, as a community merchandise should be carefully considered for Quality, how well it represents the community and 3) customization (i.e. option to place members user names/ranks/coalitions) Member input would seem to be a practical approach. Based on the votes so far it appears that not many are for it but not knowing if members are able to vote more than once, the numbers could be skewed. Overall, I think it has the potential to be a good idea depending on how it's approached.
Thanks for playin!
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 06.01.2019 at 20:06
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 04.01.2019 at 19:53
Merchandising right now is a shit-tier idea, unless it's something interesting like a coffee table book going over the history of this game or something. I'd drop €20 on something like that, but the generic T-Shirts/Hats etc crap won't ever sell.
Atwar toucans
excuse me...
why would u go for toucans? u are getting on my nerves. we should be having atwar hawks. not happy with u
What's with the edgy hawk shit, I want a condor.
We are not the same- I am a Martian.