G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 4   V1s1t3d by: 42 users
10.04.2017 - 03:29
Earning is SP is one thing we all want, or most of us anyways.
My service is terrible and I always crash ingame and never get my SP rewards, it crashes three times a day not cause of the game trust me its my service.
I think you should earn your current lost SP (aka the SP you get if you surrender or loose)
10.04.2017 - 04:04
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
How can the mods determine when ur net crashed and when u left/surrendered on purpose? Remember, they are not payed for this...
10.04.2017 - 06:05
 brianwl (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by saintsraider123, 10.04.2017 at 03:29

Earning is SP is one thing we all want, or most of us anyways.
My service is terrible and I always crash ingame and never get my SP rewards, it crashes three times a day not cause of the game trust me its my service.
I think you should earn your current lost SP (aka the SP you get if you surrender or loose)

Not likely to happen in the foreseeable future, but it is a common frustration. If you are new to the game, you may want to experiment with different browsers to see if it improves connectivity.

12.04.2017 - 00:32
No its my internet service dish lowist package
also, that big chunk of metal on my roof a satalite

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