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05.07.2015 - 19:13
So here goes:
I actually have 2 questions, but on the same topic. There they are:

1. What happens if you promote a map that you have already promoted?
Will that extend the period for which it will stay "promo", or will it renew the period? An example of the latter being: say you have 1 day left, you promote it to 7. Will that renew it to 7 or make it 8?

2. What will happen if two different people promote the same map? This question addresses its own concern + the 1st question's concern.
06.07.2015 - 10:41
It extends the promotion time.
06.07.2015 - 17:57
Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 06.07.2015 at 10:41

It extends the promotion time.

Answer to 1 and 2

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