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09.02.2018 - 23:05

I would like to begin a community map specifically for RP. You all seem to see the potential in RP. So, why not work on it, together? I am specifically talking about the scenario/competitive players who have ideas for RP that probably would have great things for the players, but can't seem to get it out. I am willing to give everything to get this map out and popular / out there / used to the right thing if it is done.

So if you want to help with this map, please comment and I will add you to the map. (I will hold the map, for multiple reasons.) (and please, know what you're doing because obviously, I will not let you edit on this map.)
10.02.2018 - 01:42
I hope you and the rest of you rpers burn in atwar hell for eternity!
10.02.2018 - 01:52
Wr1tt3n by sirivann, 10.02.2018 at 01:42

I hope you and the rest of you rpers burn in atwar hell for eternity!

Funny how y'all said that a few years ago and it still isn't dead.
10.02.2018 - 02:47
I have some ideas I would like to contribute, If we could have a chat at some point then that'd be great.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
10.02.2018 - 05:46
Wr1tt3n by Alois, 10.02.2018 at 01:52

Funny how y'all said that a few years ago and it still isn't dead.

Its because game has hundreds of thousands of visitors. Except rp players retire the same year and that very scenario ruins it for the rest of the game.

10.02.2018 - 05:47
But not to be negative good luck i hope you gonna get good results

10.02.2018 - 09:46
Wr1tt3n by Rock Lee, 10.02.2018 at 05:46

Wr1tt3n by Alois, 10.02.2018 at 01:52

Funny how y'all said that a few years ago and it still isn't dead.

Its because game has hundreds of thousands of visitors. Except rp players retire the same year and that very scenario ruins it for the rest of the game.

That's debatable
10.02.2018 - 10:34
Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 10.02.2018 at 09:46

That's debatable

I once had friend called roman warrior. We were playing WWII until he desided to become rp player in 2012. Next time i saw him was 2017

RP might be safezone but it kills the fun of the gane

10.02.2018 - 11:07
Wr1tt3n by Alois, 10.02.2018 at 01:52

Wr1tt3n by sirivann, 10.02.2018 at 01:42

I hope you and the rest of you rpers burn in atwar hell for eternity!

Funny how y'all said that a few years ago and it still isn't dead.

Not dead but so toxic it burns to touch it The culture surrounding rp is now at a point where it scares new players off.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
10.02.2018 - 11:11
Btw a word of advice, letting the public work on your maps never works out well. Map making is tedious and dificult, either there bad at it or don't try at all.

Edit it would have been a better idea to have a union or guild of talented map makers working on projects together, which we almost had, but the toxic players from rp where in there golden age, and the mods ment to destroy us. Now everyone is gone except me, nifty is a talented map maker aswell but he was always a dark horse among us. Which is in your favour you guys corrupted him so atleast you got a borders expert.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
10.02.2018 - 12:42
This sounds stupid ,. N-O
10.02.2018 - 12:47
Wr1tt3n by Alois, 10.02.2018 at 01:52

Wr1tt3n by sirivann, 10.02.2018 at 01:42

I hope you and the rest of you rpers burn in atwar hell for eternity!

Funny how y'all said that a few years ago and it still isn't dead.

I never said it was gonna die O.o all i said was burn in atwar hell for eternity u damn rpers !
10.02.2018 - 13:48
Wr1tt3n by Rock Lee, 10.02.2018 at 10:34

Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 10.02.2018 at 09:46

That's debatable

I once had friend called roman warrior. We were playing WWII until he desided to become rp player in 2012. Next time i saw him was 2017

RP might be safezone but it kills the fun of the gane

RomanWarrior and I are friends, and I know about that, the importance here is to acknowledge RP is a subgenre on AtWar, and appeals to a certain type and quota of players. Personally I like RP in its concept (I dislike the 2017-2018 RP world for enlisted reasons before), but I also played othr genres, so that going off the radar doesnt work for me xd
10.02.2018 - 18:04
Wr1tt3n by sirivann, 10.02.2018 at 12:47

Wr1tt3n by Alois, 10.02.2018 at 01:52

Wr1tt3n by sirivann, 10.02.2018 at 01:42

I hope you and the rest of you rpers burn in atwar hell for eternity!

Funny how y'all said that a few years ago and it still isn't dead.

I never said it was gonna die O.o all i said was burn in atwar hell for eternity u damn rpers !

I said ya'll, not specifically you <3
10.02.2018 - 18:06
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 10.02.2018 at 11:11

Btw a word of advice, letting the public work on your maps never works out well. Map making is tedious and dificult, either there bad at it or don't try at all.

Edit it would have been a better idea to have a union or guild of talented map makers working on projects together, which we almost had, but the toxic players from rp where in there golden age, and the mods ment to destroy us. Now everyone is gone except me, nifty is a talented map maker aswell but he was always a dark horse among us. Which is in your favour you guys corrupted him so atleast you got a borders expert.

This is a side project for the community to get involved. This is completely separate from the union of Cartographers we have.
02.03.2018 - 06:23
One pitfall that I've noticed that most RP maps fall into is that they tend to be heavily dominated by offense.

Long unit range, dense city placement, the turn 1 rush for neutrals combined with having time to consolidate gains until turn 4, and (of course) OP tank units all favour an offensive strategy over a defensive strategy, making RP wars about pretty much who can TB and kill the other guy's army first.

Arguably long unit range and dense city placement are unavoidable, given the nature of RP maps, but if you make units with long range and cities that are densely placed together, you need to boost units' defense stats and nerf their offense stats to restore the defensive-offensive balance.

Just my two cents.

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