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What will happen?

Emanuel will stay (Caretaker Gov now)
Just a far left coalition, in a few months
Communists join coalition the far left coalition

T0t4l v0t3s: 6
10.07.2024 - 07:07
Currently no government elected, the guy who they wanted out is still in. Yet if a coalition happens it's a possibility that the "French communist Party" might be in with the "Popular left front".

Imo, if this happens lots of people outside of Paris will be frustrated to the point massive unrest(the usual tbh there) might come about and the rest of Europe won't take them seriously, example, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Poland and all the baltic countries, 80s,90s under commies then joined the EU around 00s. Surely they'll look at France as if they have 10 heads. And then if Trump gets in while a western nation is under a communist coalition, that's just crazy, it's all crazy.
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*

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