13.04.2016 - 07:35
This suggestion is extremely simple. In a game, before players have begun picking countries, if the host of the game goes afk and stays so for three minutes, the game will automatically kick everyone and close. If, during turn 0 while the players are picking, the host of the game goes afk and stays so for three minutes, the game will automatically kick the host and reassign the role to a random player. This will not only clear up the clutter of useless games in the Main Room, it will also save everyone a lot of time. I don't even want to admit just how much time I wasted by waiting around for afk hosts to start a game.
13.04.2016 - 08:39
Sounds great, however the host could go AFK and notifying the players that he'll be back in 5 minutes. With your proposal he would get kicked trust losing his spot in games such as WW1. Basically any game that is intentionally stopped will suffer from this feature. Any solution for that?
13.04.2016 - 10:42
Don't go afk if you're planning on hosting a game.... if you're supposed to be a good host, you should be there and not leave for as much as 5 minutes.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
13.04.2016 - 12:40
Support ![]() But we should also get notifications when a player joins the game in the form of a ping or some such, since you're marked AFK when you switch tabs while waiting for people to join your game.
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13.04.2016 - 13:03
Building on the above, when you have multiple tabs open you're marked as afk even when you're not because you're just in another tab so people could easily accidentally get kicked from games they're actually in and waiting because another tab has gone afk.
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4r3 y0u sur3?