19.04.2016 - 20:46
Hello, It's the first time I create a thread and first time I go on the forum, so I don't know if this was suggested before. I would like to suggest a command to replie to someone, it would be so much easier and really helpful. Sometimes you need to to reply to Mr.xdkrngsrnge and you lost your time delay, really annoying. Thanks, Noxy
20.04.2016 - 00:14
Hi, In the text box type /pr <player name>; this will allow you to chat to the person more efficiently. You can also deactivate other faster moving channels which will allow you to respond to pr's more effectually.
---- intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
20.04.2016 - 16:49
Hey Sun Tzu, You didn't understand me I guess. I would like to suggest a command to reply to a pm. I know that command, but I mean a /answer. Do you know what I mean ?
20.04.2016 - 18:46
you use the same command. For example: I say hello to you, I type: /pr Noxy: hi For you to respond, you type: /pr This Is Zenith: hi Or you can click on a persons name in the chat bar and it automatically brings it up. Say I was to click your name: Noxy It would place in the chatbar: /pr Noxy hope this helps. and sun Tzu did understand you perfectly
20.04.2016 - 21:28
You both are wrong He isnt asking HOW to reply to people he is asking for a separate command to reply to someone Lets say someone types to Noxy: Hi! Instead of doing /pr Noxy or clicking on their name they just do /r Hello! Or something like that
20.04.2016 - 21:31
Yes exacly, thanks Aesthetetic. That's what I'm suggesting !
21.04.2016 - 04:49
How would we be able to make sure the reply function would go to the correct recipient in the case of more than one pr arriving in the same text box fromm different players? Surely any measures to counter that would add more complications to the 'problem' being addressed here - simply replying to this last message would probably see more miscommunication and more work,, having to create messages twice when you receive a message from another player, during the time you are replying to the original message, for instance.
---- intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
21.04.2016 - 07:28
Which is easier, /pr This Is Zenith: hi or /r hi Before you make your decision, let me explain something. With no user selected, the system has no idea who you wish to reply to. Also, people like mods gets lots of pr's a minute. How then would they use that simple /r command to respond to the people pring them. It makes absolutely no sense. The system that is currently in place is fine.
21.04.2016 - 07:29
The current system isn't that hard to use, click on a players name and type. It's that simple.
21.04.2016 - 07:46
How about the last person that PR'ed you. I support this ^^. What Sun Tzu pointed out is a problem however.
21.04.2016 - 07:52
ok then clovis, say you get 3 messages at about the same time but you want to reply to the 2nd one first...
21.04.2016 - 15:47
/r is mostly for when you are talking to one person, while using /pr or clicking on their name would be for multiple messages come on lol this isnt rocket science
21.04.2016 - 16:29
how does the system know you are just talking to one person...
21.04.2016 - 16:45
it replies to the most recent person who messaged you ![]()
21.04.2016 - 17:57
my point still is, the current system is easy enough, the developers don't need to waste time doing this. they should focus on more important things, like the map editor.
21.04.2016 - 18:23
Ivan has done his part, as he has said multiple times so it is ok for this to be made since amok is the one doing the map editor. Besides its a suggestion, doesn't need to be implemented asap
21.04.2016 - 18:45
my point still is, the current system is easy enough, nothing new needs to be made. I'm done here. Quote me if you wish, I'm not posting again.
21.04.2016 - 19:55
Wowowowooooh ! Okay. I suggested this because I saw that command in other games. I'm not saying (by posting this suggestion) that the system is not good and easy to use enough. I'm not saying it's something we NEED. We don't need that. It's an extra, it doesn't really matter if you have to type the whole name, and I learned here that you can do that by clicking in the name. I didn't know that. This is system is good enough. Relaaaaaaaax ! Let's get over with (is that expression right?), we don't need that, just a plus as I said.
4r3 y0u sur3?