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29.02.2016 - 21:37
So I am playing this game: http://atwar-game.com/games/?link=2384027667 I am dominating the map, and all I need to do is capture his last cities ....however I am only able to use rafts which he is able to sink before I am able to reach him? I have built up forces and tried but really struggling, all the while he builds his troops on and those cities defence.... I just cant reach the guy?
Any advice?

Thank you
01.03.2016 - 01:01
Bring many many rafts of troops over maybe? And wall those rafts with other rafts.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.03.2016 - 08:04
Just send other naval units to accompany the rafts, since rafts have no defence (1 Def.). Use the naval unit that has most defence.
Before you do that, take the rest of the coastal cities of your countries, so you can build a great armada.
Good luck.
01.03.2016 - 08:40
Wr1tt3n by Columna Durruti, 01.03.2016 at 08:04

Just send other naval units to accompany the rafts, since rafts have no defence (1 Def.). Use the naval unit that has most defence.
Before you do that, take the rest of the coastal cities of your countries, so you can build a great armada.
Good luck.

Sadly the only navel units available to me are the rafts? I need something stronger though as I am using white walkers, they dont seem to be available to me?
01.03.2016 - 08:51
Wr1tt3n by Lord Ferrier, 01.03.2016 at 08:40

Wr1tt3n by Columna Durruti, 01.03.2016 at 08:04

Just send other naval units to accompany the rafts, since rafts have no defence (1 Def.). Use the naval unit that has most defence.
Before you do that, take the rest of the coastal cities of your countries, so you can build a great armada.
Good luck.

Sadly the only navel units available to me are the rafts? I need something stronger though as I am using white walkers, they dont seem to be available to me?

Are you sure??? No war galley can be produced???? Can't believe! o.O

Anyways, you know you can always build walls on water, if you drop land units (not stealth) close to each other in the water.
Check this for more details: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=6941
Then you can hide your naval transports behind those walls, avoiding that enemy sinks them.
Just remember that stack of units on transport only has the defence of the transport!
01.03.2016 - 09:23
Yeah no war galleys that i can produce in any of the areas I have captured.... dont understand...but he has war galleys! so its a bit of a one sided fight!
I will try the wall on water method and see where it gets me cheers
01.03.2016 - 16:40
Anyways, you know you can always build walls on water, if you drop land units (not stealth) close to each other in the water.
Check this for more details: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=6941
Then you can hide your naval transports behind those walls, avoiding that enemy sinks them.
Just remember that stack of units on transport only has the defence of the transport!

sadly this doesnt seem to work....how on earth am I supposed to get to him with enough fire power?
01.03.2016 - 19:29
Make 4 rafts. Put all units into one raft and set sail. Then use the other 3 rafts to make a triangle wall around your raft carrying the units.
17.08.2017 - 14:35
[gl] ø~Eagle: cw
[gl] ø~Heat Check: cw

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