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P0st3d by clovis1122, 11.11.2015 - 12:57
EDIT: Click here to see the conclusion: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=22818#m290968

Sup guys,

with the help of dinoscout I've elaborated some cases related to movement priorities. Please comment below what would you do if you were playing the match. There are more than one correct answer (but you can still argue why your is best than other).

In all the scenarios you are the light green player. You can assume any strategy that you desire.

About priorities

The concept of priority is usually the hardest to learn, typically because it relies in the player's capacity to recognize patron of movements and requires to have knowledge about certain game mechanics (specially Turn Blocks, to which it is strictly related). Even between the most experienced players, it can be a challenge to recognize which movement should'be made first, second, or even latest moves.

Case 1: mixing units? - Very Easy

Case 2: Many choices but... - Easy

Case 3: Sea transports on the look? - Medium

Case 4: Let's play ancient! - Medium

Case 5: Looks like nowhere to go.... - Hard
Additional information: There are sea transports in Varna, Athens and Thessaloniki. You can't defend a full rush.

Case 6: Marines? Marines! - Very Hard
It is reinforcements turn. You can buy 8 marines in each visible city.

18.08.2017 - 05:07
Wr1tt3n by LukeTan, 16.08.2017 at 10:09

Wr1tt3n by Darth., 16.02.2016 at 11:38

Right.....can I just say that all those formulae about TB and MP are just going WAY over my head. Is there some kind of trick to remembering them?

Aww darth was such a cute little narb back then


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