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08.09.2013 - 02:15
When I joined AW I was told 'do the tutorial, noob!', so I did. It was helpful, but why give players a loss for playing it? I don't think it should even be counted on your win/loss record.
I'm Mike & I like stuff.
08.09.2013 - 02:37
Wr1tt3n by CanuckMike, 08.09.2013 at 02:15

When I joined AW I was told 'do the tutorial, noob!', so I did. It was helpful, but why give players a loss for playing it? I don't think it should even be counted on your win/loss record.

You are rank 6.

Why did you play the tutorial.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
08.09.2013 - 04:15
Wr1tt3n by Dr Lecter, 08.09.2013 at 02:37

Wr1tt3n by CanuckMike, 08.09.2013 at 02:15

When I joined AW I was told 'do the tutorial, noob!', so I did. It was helpful, but why give players a loss for playing it? I don't think it should even be counted on your win/loss record.

You are rank 6.

Why did you play the tutorial.

I meant when I first played atWar. I think I even said that.
I'm Mike & I like stuff.
08.09.2013 - 06:35
The ability to surrender should be disabled in the tutorial.
If you're not allowed to win, why should you be allowed to loose?
08.09.2013 - 07:33
Ah, yes. That's what I must have done. D'oh! Been a while & I can't remember :S
I'm Mike & I like stuff.

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