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P0sts: 5   V1s1t3d by: 17 users
08.12.2012 - 15:51
Ok, so I was trying to get into a ww2 scenario game, and it got the usual glitch of "sorry, all scenario sides are taken," even though all sides weren't taken. and this glitch has been going on for a while. Admins, can you guys investigate this issue because this has ruined a lot of potentially good scenario games.
"Fear me, because I am a Hispanic, and Hispanics fear nobody. We Hispanics will party hard, but we will also fight hard, and won't give up until we defeat you. we always remember and we never forget anything."-Mexican_Wizard.
09.12.2012 - 10:22
 Amok (4dm1n)
This means that somebody had already taken the remaining sides and left. After the side had been picked it's no longer available.
09.12.2012 - 14:09
Was this when you were all choosing you sides? or when game already started?
10.12.2012 - 18:29
Wr1tt3n by Anre, 09.12.2012 at 14:09

Was this when you were all choosing you sides? or when game already started?

It happened when we were choosing sides. We were playing your ww2 game. ask andartes about it as well, he was the host of the game that I am talking about.
"Fear me, because I am a Hispanic, and Hispanics fear nobody. We Hispanics will party hard, but we will also fight hard, and won't give up until we defeat you. we always remember and we never forget anything."-Mexican_Wizard.
10.12.2012 - 18:29
Wr1tt3n by Amok, 09.12.2012 at 10:22

This means that somebody had already taken the remaining sides and left. After the side had been picked it's no longer available.

The thing is that it happens before the game starts and not every side has been taken.
"Fear me, because I am a Hispanic, and Hispanics fear nobody. We Hispanics will party hard, but we will also fight hard, and won't give up until we defeat you. we always remember and we never forget anything."-Mexican_Wizard.

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