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30.05.2013 - 11:57
On my custom map, the amount of units in neutral cities go up astronomically. They seem to go up randomly, as 2 cities with the same population both rose from 1, but one went to 2 and one went to 5. Does anyone know what decides this, or what I can do to lower or stop growth in neutral cities?
31.05.2013 - 08:54
Wr1tt3n by Solair, 30.05.2013 at 11:57

On my custom map, the amount of units in neutral cities go up astronomically. They seem to go up randomly, as 2 cities with the same population both rose from 1, but one went to 2 and one went to 5. Does anyone know what decides this, or what I can do to lower or stop growth in neutral cities?

Neutrals automatically gain reinforcements. It can happen at any time even at the start of a game. Its random too.

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