‹‹ B4ck t0 Bugs
G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
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14.10.2012 - 19:41
I used save function in a casual game, when I relogged I got the second image on my screen, and said this

the image of that message is the one following, what I saw after using save, going to lobby and coming back later

after the turn is done I got this in the same area

in other areas

Also as I was writing this I pressed the button to get all battles resolved, then I thought I hadn't taken any screenshots from bangladesh and japan, areas which worked despite the merging I did there, so I went to lobby in hopes of battle screen resetting (left hwne I was at battle box after pressing button seeing the results) to get more screenshots of those areas as well pre-battle; however as I got back into the game the mouse on the screen didn't work (moving map by dragging) the zoom in didn't work (via middle mouse wheel) and I can't move the bugged units. I zoomed in from minimap buttons and got to the area from the minimap as well

Another bugged area which I didn't get first go, also north korea which I captured but I am unable to recruit anything, basically mouse doesn't work on the map at all, except minimap and its buttons
27.10.2012 - 14:08
I also got bug in 1 causal tournoment i missed 2 turns my units didnt atack neutral citys they stay close to neutral citys when i came in next turn,but this happand after you save you turns in casual game and go to lobby then came again and connect in casual game to look ,next turn
iam sure you moves will got bug,you need to connect casual game after you got email that last turn end.if you conected before turn end you will got bug
29.10.2012 - 16:23
 Amok (4dm1n)
Ok, this should be fixed now. In fact, there shouldn't be any problems with saving in casual games from now on

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