31.07.2015 - 10:10
Agree... Seriously this dude wants to fix the clanwar system which has its obvious flaws. Yet the second this thread was posted one clanmember felt offended and started to go about his clan etc. Followed by the same sort of comments from another member of the same clan, with exact the same content for every season a thread is made about this problem. AW has only 2 admins and several mods (which most of them are pretty inacitve) so yes, there is a need for this subject EVERY SINGLE SEASON. It is funny when everytime a thread about this subject is made the same excuse comes up '' We have real life things to do'' but these kind of comments happen to be always after they are #1, not to mention almost all of their clanwarring members are online every single day. Every season this thread is made by different people from different clans, the same clan keeps on telling the creator of the topic is a hater or a loser and hates he clan and thats why he is bashing them etc. And this is not meant to be a bitch or attack, but this is just simply what I see, and I think I can speak for some others too. Don't you guys see the problem? Dinoscout has brought up a pretty decent idea about clans who stop cwing or refuse cwing the second they reach #1. Before this season the problem was the 100 clanpoints they get everytime they win, now its about that 4 cw wins are less than 1 cw lose. This is exactly how dueling works either, doesn't stop most of you guys with that either. Anyways, comments like above from khaleesi who has obviously problems with godofwar, the leader of the clan which dinoscout is in, are not really needed in a topic about this subject.. Just forget about the clans and their actions but focus about this problem. I guess there would be alot of more useful comments instead of all these hatefull comments.
31.07.2015 - 10:25
I tried that like 1 year ago with syndicate/PL when MK used buggs, but doesn't work... some clans just want to clanwar every possibilty they have, like Cosa. ![]()
31.07.2015 - 11:44
Lets just ignore the fact dino edited his original post to remove any mention of SA.... Desu put the whole thing much more eloquently without dragging his personal opinion of other clans into the mix. Dinos idea is not "pretty decent" at all. Go earn 1100 Elo and you'll appreciate the effort involved.. and you won't want to piss it away playing clans that suddenly decide to start using overpowered teams to make up for their losses in matches were they can gain 20 elo from you, while you can only earn 4, let alone some dumb idea about 5 elo being lost a day... otherwise the whole season would be a complete waste of time and only the final week would make any difference to the standings. Dino should just delete this entire thread and re post Desus idea with credits
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31.07.2015 - 12:16
its pretty obvious that your clan is only willing to play with your top 3 players so ofc we wont want to play 12-10-10 with 10-8-8
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31.07.2015 - 12:21
Notice how MK won last season playing mostly 12,10,10.. it's the standard required, don't cry to me because you don't have it. Seriously, lets just bury this thread now, it's tiring.
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31.07.2015 - 12:39
Ehh, lets not bring the bad light to this discussion. As I remember SA had no problems at all gaining 100 clanpoints every CW they won last season or 2 seasons ago. All clans were glad there was another clan in the clanwar community and to play, thats the true spirit. But instead of that, I hear you bickering about losing more elo than gaining it, I mean if thats really the case, than really dont play clanwars at all, because at some point you will have more or less elo, and if at that case you are the lower elo side, you would be happy to be able to play a clanwar eventhough you will ''gain more rather than losing''. I thought the point of clanwars was just to play and see who did best at season, but no, apperantly its about who gets #1 first and stays it by not playing more cws. And dont get me wrong, I dont want to disrespect your clan in anyway, but that last thing I said is kind of what is happening at this moment. And therefore I miss the 2012/2013 AW once again.
31.07.2015 - 13:04
agreed ENIGMA is just looking to have a good time thus whenever we reach top 5 spot we eventually lose all our elo since we are willing to play almost any rank on any map, thats how all clans should be.
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31.07.2015 - 13:25
Sorry to derail this thread even more but Waffel is 100% on point. If people consider first place the best and once a clan reaches first place it seizes to CW anymore then the ''best'' is a mislead concept. The best clan is the one who sticks together and fights no matter what; for better or worse. Also no when I say fights no matter what I don't mean ranks don't match or such, but I mean fighting in the same situations you would when you have low elo. I'm all for a fair CW and matching ranks, never put your clan at a disadvantage. Oh, and this isn't directed to SA, but to any clan holding that ever so precious first place. Now back to the topic. I agree with the concept of rewarding activity, but inactivity shouldn't be punished. Maybe extra elo for fighting a CW every day for 5 days, or fighting 2 CWs in a day. That way inactive clans coming back aren't at a disadvantage, and activity is still encouraged. This would prevent holding that #1 spot and not CW'ing because other clans could surpass it no matter if they won or lost.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
31.07.2015 - 13:59
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31.07.2015 - 14:03
31.07.2015 - 15:13
You guys say all this after we played and won 2 CW's today and only won 10 points. ... against both your clans. There is literally no pleasing you guys.
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31.07.2015 - 15:15
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
31.07.2015 - 16:51
Look the thing is, after this thread was made you guys started to CW again so it sounds like what we are saying isnt true. This kinda is even worse than just sticking to not cwing. ![]() In our conversation you also say things like you guys want to show your effort and is why want to stay #1. I mean we all play clanwars and all of the clanwar community will know at the end of the season who deserved the title. I don't really think you need to show of the ''effort'' you guys made. And saying that becoming active when there is another clan on the same level is also pretty ... meh.. because c'mon, not to be rude or something but eventhough you guys somehow managed to get on #1 you guys arent sure as hell the #1 clan in AW, lets get real.. I mean I get you guys want to win this season and stuff, but dont just stop cwing like 1 month before the season ends because you are #1.... a true clan who in my eyes deserves the #1 trophy just keeps on cwing even if he is #1 ... And coming up with some excuse like '' we are not that active anymore'' is just straight bullah, since most of your clanmembers are almost online everyday, including the ''clanwar members'' and I mean, I like you, you know that. But don't be like this..
31.07.2015 - 17:00
Okay, I'm literally done with this thread, you didn't listen to much of what I said and you just cut so much of the conversation. Season isnt over, We still have a long way to go to win. There will be loads of games to play still and we expect other clans to rise in elo to our current level When that happens there will loads of games to decide who wins.
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31.07.2015 - 18:14
Okay, in first part I will talk as individual, not in the name of Shadow Aces clan. In second part I will talk as a member of Shadow Aces clan. It will probably explain some things, or even explain closer. Leave all trolls and instigations between clans on a side. Lets take this on a more serious level. Part 1 Even I understand the point of dinoscout's suggestion, I am against implementing that losing Elo just beacuse of non CWing. Why against? Take a simple comapre with football. Team A scored 1 goal Team B scored 0 goals It is 90th minute of match and Team A is just keeping possession without attacking or trying something ('buying' time and waiting for the end of the match). It would be bad if they implement losing that scored goal just beacuse they are not attacking, right? Pretty same thing is with CWs. I am mostly agreeing with Desu and his sentence: 'liquidity is the aim, not stasis'. Why? Each season lasts for 3 months. Current season started 1.6.2015. so 2 months passed away. There is one full month till the end of this season and it is bad if one clan (doesnt matter which one) just stacks on 1st place and stopped CWing because they reached highest elo. Why it is bad? Imagine that it is starting of a season. Every clan have 1000 Elo points. In that case, only 8 CW games would be enough to reach those fantastic 1100+ Elo points. 8 CW games can be done in 2-3 by one clan. So what is point of the season which lasts for 3 months when you can just stack on 1100+ Elo in 3 days if you win 8 games..... I was telling this while I was in CN and now while im in SA. My opinion was always same: Constantly refusing CWs is bad for CW reputation and CW system at all (Current CW system is incredibly better than last one) As you know, CN was the most active and one of the most successful clans last season (261 played CW) just beacuse of great team (every clan has its great strike team) and activity in CWs. We have fallen 100 times but we came back every time and finished as 2nd and that was one of the most incredible seasons ever. JUST BC OF ACTIVITY ! Part 2 As you all are members of each coalition, you all know you want best for it. More wins, higher Elo and competence, better reputation, stronger squad, etc... Same is with Shadow Aces. You cannot understand your own coalition if you dont try to understand another one. Put yourself as SA member (I dont care if you cannot imagine yourself here) We have a good CW squad and we really did much for finally achieving that 1st place on Clan War list. Each clan have its leaders who are in front of officers and who are making clan rules. Leaders are making a plan and vision of how their clan should be furnished and all other things (clan warring, trainings, recruiting, team-playing, hyerarchy) If they have chosen not to CW as active as before or to pick CWs more wisely because they reached the top, than you cannot complain immideatly after one week about their inactivity just beacuse they are on the TOP. 70% of all other clans are inactive in the true sense of the word and they are still taking better spot with 1-10 CWs than some clan with more than 50CWs. Nobody is talking about them, but all are talking about currently TOP clan. You know how it is said: 'Behind a good horse, the dust is always risen' To compare it with a last season, in the ending of season (2 weeks before), MK was really rarely CWing and picking CW opponents more wisely (as Singularity team whose highest rank was 10). Nobody complained then even it was so obvious. It is true that Shadow Aces want to win this season (who doesnt?!?), so this mockery about Phoenix's words is really unnecessary. So in conclusion lets again compare this with football. You have a winning team who is going to possess a ball and 'buy a time' and another team which is losing and which is trying to get that ball finally. They are both trying to ensure best for them and they are breaking no rules. In football it is solved by judicial compensation, it is on us how we will solve this so we ALL are met (TOP CLANS AND OTHER CLANS) Better discuss and give new ideas and suggestions than bitching here
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01.08.2015 - 05:45
I couldn't agree more. But the thing why people are complaining about this, and believe me this ''complaining'' is happening at the end of almost every season, and that is because lately the clans who have reached #1 at almost of the end of the season they quit cwing. I mean I get that you guys want to play wisely and dont want to lose your #1 spot, we all get that. But it still doesn't change the fact that some clans totally refuse to play at all, some clans play lower ranked clans (easy wins) etc. I think because SA is I think most active clan together with SM in this summer so I don't necasserly blame you guys. But if this would happen in like the winter or fall, where most likely more people play AW due the shitty weathers n stuff, it would be a pretty douchebag move though, but we discussed about that. I do agree a change is needed, and hopefully the players change too, i hope they realise that some of their actions may have negative outcomes towards alot of people, and we might even feel disrespected because its like we have RP SP farmers but then in clanwar community, you get that point? (not calling you guys RP sp farmers now, just using as example).
01.08.2015 - 09:15
The only thing ive to say on the offtopic argument is that 6 weeks before the end of the season is too early to be points hoarding and refusing to cw. For gods sake just play. Activity is limited enough as it is.
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01.08.2015 - 09:19
Who invited you to the party?
01.08.2015 - 13:53
Look Guys, only 4 out of the 28 clans has done more CWs this season then SA. Seems like people don't want to win fairly, just blow smoke.
ZexiLv 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
01.08.2015 - 19:41 ZexiLv 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Here's are some other elo decreasing ideas: Instead of -5/day -1 elo on the first day BUT the amount of elo lost would increase by 1.1/day 1, 1.1, 1.21, 1.33, 1.46, 1.6, 1.77, 1.95, etc for a total of 15 days The initial amount could be more or less, then multiplier could be different. I'm not an expert on these things, change the numbers to something more fair or whatever i'm just throwing this idea out. Another idea I cam up with is that clans will lose 1/500 of their elo each day for 15 days (again, change the fraction, the length whatever, just understand my basic point and come up with better numbers) ~
02.08.2015 - 16:44
How about this: Divide the amount of played clanwars throughout the whole week by 5/4/3 to get to a minimum amount of clanwars that has to be played in the next week. In order to control the activity of a clan, we could use the idea that dinoscout suggested. So if a clan doesn't play the minimum amount of clanwars that was based on the amount of played clanwars throughout the week before, we could like take away elo of them. In order to calculate how much elo it would be, I suggest to do the same how to calculate the amount of minimum clanwars that should be played in the next week, so dividing the amount of elo earned by the clan in the week before by 5/4/3 to get to see how much elo the clan will lose. Now you guys will probably think ''If they lose their divided elo once, it still wouldn't really punish the clans for the other weeks''. We could keep on dividing the total earned elo by that clan in the last week they played a cw in. So for example: Clan A earned 150 elo in week 1. They did not cw for 2 weeks after week 1. In week 2 they lose: 150 divided by 5/4/3 elo. So they would lose 30 elo if divided by 5, 37,5 elo if divided by 4, and 50 elo if divided by 3. So if it got divided by 3, the amount of elo in week 3 is a total of 100 elo. In order to calculate the amount of elo that should be taken away for week 3 we simply have to divide the current amount of elo that is left after the amount of elo in week 2 have been taken away by 5/4/3. This way the amount of elo taken away is getting bigger every week and kinda avoids clans to be in #1 and just stop cwing to remain #1. The amounts of elo that will be taken away sounds really much in the example above, but you gotta realise, almost any ACTIVE (ofcourse this elo taken away should only count for the clans that were active with clanwars during the season) plays atleast 1 or 2 cw's a week. So the amount of minimum clanwars that should been played for the next week arent that shocking compared with the current clanwar activity in this game. ---- If people want me to make a different thread about this one so we can maybe add some things in to the suggestion (if the community likes the idea) PM me. ![]()
02.08.2015 - 17:41
xaxaxa ily come more online bitch
02.08.2015 - 18:45
XD lol
03.08.2015 - 07:06
but how are people to show their proness and how cool they are without elo!? ![]()
03.08.2015 - 08:32
fuck em
Some Guy. 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
05.08.2015 - 17:03 Some Guy. 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Yeah just remove elo system. All we should add is a new system which is based on how many wins u have.
4r3 y0u sur3?