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24.05.2015 - 12:57
How about to be able to set minimum rank for particular country in scenarions. That should be done in 'edit scenarios' page, then save and when you create scenario, players below allowed rank wont be able to pick some countries.

For example, World War II scenario, rank 5 join and pick United States, but US need higher rank, so admin doesnt have to kick everytime and explain why he kick.

It can save everyones time dont you think?

EDIT: i had many times situations where i had to kick 20 lowrank players who picked major countries, they join, rejoin, leave, disconnect, very hard to keep track of everyone in 20 players game. I believe many 'admins' have that problem when they create WW1, WW2, UN, RP, doesnt matter the name of the map.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
24.05.2015 - 13:07
Not a bad idea. Not sure if technical support would aid your idea tho.

However, it seems you have not taken one crucial consideration into account. Your idea would block low ranks, especially in the beginner's room, to access to certain scenarios. Even in the main room, sometimes it is hard enough high ranks be active in the same period of time. With so, the game could not even get started.
24.05.2015 - 13:12
Wr1tt3n by Dragon, 24.05.2015 at 13:07

Not a bad idea. Not sure if technical support would aid your idea tho.

However, it seems you have not taken one crucial consideration into account. Your idea would block low ranks, especially in the beginner's room, to access to certain scenarios. Even in the main room, sometimes it is hard enough high ranks be active in the same period of time. With so, the game could not even get started.

Ah yes, i overlooked that flaw. Good observation!

Then what about adding 'minimum rank for countries' before you create game? For example, when you click 'start game' it opens small window where you enter minimum rank, choose private game, enter pw etc, maybe there you can type what minimum rank for countries you want and then run the game.

That way you only wait for players to join, run the game, wait for them to pick and focus on trolls and leavers to kick.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
24.05.2015 - 13:16
Wr1tt3n by Skanderbeg, 24.05.2015 at 13:12

Then what about adding 'minimum rank for countries' before you create game? For example, when you click 'start game' it opens small window where you enter minimum rank, choose private game, enter pw etc, maybe there you can type what minimum rank for countries you want and then run the game.

It may work if tech supports yet as a game maker I would regard this as an annoyance. Take WW2 for instance. It would not be tempting one sets rank limit for 20 countries to launch a game. But generally speaking, I would love your idea to be implemented
24.05.2015 - 15:17

Racism is not tollerated in this game. Neither should rankism. Giving lower ranks shitty countries will never give them a chance of playing. When they reach rank 7/8/9 and play a big country for the first time they will most likely fail 8 out of 10 times. People will call them noob and knowing the scenario community they will keep talking about eachother and not let them play the same country. Then they will be back at playing shitty countries because they are ''noob'' , ''unskilled'' etc.

Wr1tt3n by Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
25.05.2015 - 04:11
Wr1tt3n by Skanderbeg, 24.05.2015 at 15:28

Wr1tt3n by Waffel, 24.05.2015 at 15:17


Racism is not tollerated in this game. Neither should rankism. Giving lower ranks shitty countries will never give them a chance of playing. When they reach rank 7/8/9 and play a big country for the first time they will most likely fail 8 out of 10 times. People will call them noob and knowing the scenario community they will keep talking about eachother and not let them play the same country. Then they will be back at playing shitty countries because they are ''noob'' , ''unskilled'' etc.

But there are no 'shitty' countries in scenarions. Mapmakers implement only important countries while leaving dark territory of insignificant countries. So US isnt special comparing to Free France in WW2 for example. But r5 would have hard time playing with USA, he doesnt know what units to send, where to send, what to do when he arrive(sometimes we dont know what do, never reached so far because Germany leave heh). Imagine USA is r10 and Nazi Germany r5, when USA send 100 bombers Germany r5 will leave or surrender, or trashtalk the game, or mapmaker how unbalanced it is while his income will be +2000 and his units stronger than US counterparts.

So why not limiting US to r7 and up, Free France to r4 and up and so on. I believe that way they will learn how to play smaller roles in maps, and get experience so they will be able to get larger roles in the future.

Anyway, im not rankist, i dont care what ranks choose what states, but many players complain when lowranks pick some large state and it is proven they usually leave or do team damage on long terms in the game.

Well ok you have a point there. But the few times I played WW2 alot of people insulted lower ranks when they picked something big. Not Romania or that black colourish country. But something like Siam or France or Australia. I mean if I get shitted throughout the whole game, no surprise I would leave the game at the end of the day...
And as for the points you made on they dont know what to do. If they dont play it, how should they know what to do? What is wrong with teambonding? You can easily tell in ally chat or PR, (most likely allychat gets spammed so PR is better pick) to tell them what to do.
As for the comment above me made clear, why not setting a rank limit indeed if it annoys bigtime.

Wr1tt3n by Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015

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