Finta Nova 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
09.05.2015 - 04:56 Finta Nova 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
There is a lot of players with no special knowledge in playing. We can simply add someting what willl make them wanna play competitive maps like Europe. Just make a system which will drop protocoins on the competitive maps. Ya know winner gets some protocoins or the other players too, by sp number. There is a similar system "protocoins drop after turn 30" but we need to farm if we wanna earn any. So because of that "protocoins drop after turn 30" even some competitive players are playing RP. To make this idea work ,we have to implement some new things in atWar shop to by with protocoins. There could be a ton of litle things we can by with just a few PC earned in Europe+ or some other competitive maps,but the things we can have for free with premium ![]() For example: Players without premium cannot start any map/scenario. So why wouldn't they pay like 1-2 Protocoins to start some game? Or pay 10 Protocoins to use tactic Iron Fist for one day. Imagine what, what you think how much they would give for using General? This all posibillities will make them wanna earn somewhere PC. That place is Europe. I hope you understood me. If you didn't please reply so I can complain again. Also I would like to hear what you have to say. I think idea is very good and I would be first player which wanna earn some number of PC playing Europe map and then start some map,use tactic for few days,use GENERAL.
09.05.2015 - 05:04
Europe and World Maps are not competitive maps.There is no such thing as competitive maps, they are just maps. It's the players who issues competitive gameplay. Euro-maps are only regarded as the most suitable theatre for competitive gameplay or in this case 3v3s. I've encountered such proto-coin reward back in the beginner's room. And I dont agree with taking away RP gameplay nor the idea of reducing their fame. Sure, their play style is way behind from the rest but shouldn't a custom-map strategy game like Atwar has its assets. Custom maps are custom maps. What's the point of taking away something they prefer at nor try to drive them away from their interest. Atwar would loose half, maybe half of its active playerbase if RP is rooted out. It's detrimental to the devs and the game itself.
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Finta Nova 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
09.05.2015 - 06:08 Finta Nova 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Its the point that sonner or later the players who have played just BIG MAPS like RP ,where you have to spam tons of units will leave the game for ever even if they didn't find the best part of the game. Wining CWs, beating most skilled players, saving economy and units,gaining frends and popularitiy and having clan is something what a lot of RP players wont have ever. However,I don't know what would be soo losing for RP if competitive maps have that PC system?Who took RP or what LoL? I dont get it.What you want to say? Whoever wants to farm or have fun on RP he will keep playing. This can't stop him from doing what he wants. Who wants to start map/scenario without premium he can earn PC on Europe or any other competitive map and then do what he wants to do with it do and even start RP game. Also atWar wouldn't lose any player . 1. If you wanna make those litlle things payable then where we have to earn those PC.Where to earn them ? 2. Its chance for everyone to taste privileges of some player with premium. 3. You probably didn't even read whole text ,you just saw something about RP and you think I wanna kill RP. 4. Is here any other way for player to earn something without showing what he knows or he can to do? You didnt get it. It was idea for better atWar community not for killing RP player or something. I will say again. Iron Fist, General , Starting Map/Scenario is just a dream for player with no premium. This was idea to give them chance to reach their dream by showing their skills.Its not actually showing skills but its playing on map where you have no spam and where some thing are limited. Competitive map isn't just Europe,competitive map can be any other where you use mind,calculate and save economy. Im playing both,Europe and RP. Maybe you got it wrong because I wrote it will make them "need" instead of "wanna".
09.05.2015 - 10:04
See here, Clan War fans? Here is a much better idea than that stupid SP bonus. If Clan Wars dropped, say, 1 protocoins per 10 turns played, and the developers start offering the maps & scenarios pack again for a reasonable price (say, 1000 protocoins), that would certainly be a good incentive to get me to play Clan Wars.
09.05.2015 - 12:04
But youre an RP player? This system is pretty much alive in beginner's as far as I remember. I won 50 pc on my first account.
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Finta Nova 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
09.05.2015 - 15:23 Finta Nova 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Ok i hope someone will read this. Dream world is map where you calculate with money,units range,units number with other words ,its competitive map. And when you win on some competitive map you earn like 5 Protocoins (For example). After you earn like 20 PC you can go to atWar shop and buy tactic for exmpl. Iron Fist and use it for 2 days. Or you can start any map by paying 5 Protocoins. Thats actually what Im saying from begining. Im not killing RP,im not giving bad idea which will kill RP or what, Im giving idea which will make players wanna earn PC on some competitive map and then spend them on something we don't have without premium. Im actually kinda making favour to atWar players because those who can't buy premium would be able to use premium features at least for sort time till they buy it again. You can make this to every map but any uncompetitive map will be played more then 20 turns and also you probably wouldn't win there because of your skill,calculating...
09.05.2015 - 17:06
It's a good idea giving players who aren't prem something to use their proto coins on as I know a few players who only get prem in monthly lots for example and have some proto coins left over so giving them the ability to use a few proto coins to host a scenario or map or even use a premium strat is a way the devs could make some money and the proto drop happening in EU games and short games like that would lessen the amount of players just trying to farm for them
---- The best players are those who think outside the box and aren't afraid to try something new
(deleted) 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
09.05.2015 - 17:14 (deleted) 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Eu+ is balanced map,it means its competetive map,such as Destoria and Dreamworld that are made to be competetive.
14.05.2015 - 18:02
This is atwar, don't at peace, stop ur rp butthurt and spamming, pls.
15.05.2015 - 04:36
Why don't just let them be unskilled rp players. Who am I supposed to rape in ww2s and 3v3s now ![]()
15.05.2015 - 04:37
Aren't you an RP player? And stop stealing Adog's catchphrase. Only I steal adog's stuff ;(
4r3 y0u sur3?