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10.05.2015 - 12:08
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IMPORTANT: This theme is same as one called "Way to reduce unskilled and RP players" but because of title few player misunderstood point of this idea so I remaked.

Things we need:
-Posibility to earn PC on competitive maps. That means earning because of our skills and knowledge. Like 1-5 Protocoins per win or 1 protocoins every 10 player turns.

-New stuff that we can buy with our earned Protocoins. That would be the stuffs which premium players are having but we can now use it by paying with PC ,with some limits.
Example. -Ticket which alows as to start one scenario/map. Cost: 5 Protocoins
-Using General for 3 days. Cost: 25 Protocoins

There is a lot of players with no special knowledge in playing. We can simply add someting what willl make them wanna play competitive maps like Europe. Just make a system which will drop protocoins on the competitive maps. Ya know winner gets some protocoins or the other players too, by sp number. There is a similar system "protocoins drop after turn 30" but we need to farm if we wanna earn any. So because of that "protocoins drop after turn 30" even some competitive players are playing RP.
To make this idea work ,we have to implement some new things in atWar shop to by with protocoins. There could be a ton of litle things we can by with just a few PC earned in Europe+ or some other competitive maps,but the things we can have for free with premium .It will make them wanna earn PC but some will also come to idead to by premium.

For example: Players without premium cannot start any map/scenario. So why wouldn't they pay like 1-2 Protocoins to start some game? Or pay 10 Protocoins to use tactic Iron Fist for one day. Imagine what, what you think how much they would give for using General?
This all posibillities will make them wanna earn somewhere PC. That place is Europe.

I hope you understood me. If you didn't please reply so I can complain again. Also I would like to hear what you have to say.
I think idea is very good and I would be first player which wanna earn some number of PC playing Europe map and then start some map,use tactic for few days,use GENERAL.

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