Wr1tt3n by Waffel, 03.06.2016 at 14:10
I like how this thread went from sensefull to utter bullshit when it started to go about mapmakers being all highhorse.
Such a waste, was worth the effort.
you already miss nice map makers like me? ;P
Wr1tt3n by Waffel, 03.06.2016 at 14:08
And which one of those are you? The spamming global every fking day with 5 lines of links for the same 1000th remake of scenarios, type of person?
7234th, actually
Someone Better Than You
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 31.05.2016 at 04:23
Now what if you don't want to be as serious? That's fine aswell go ahead and play an rp, or a fantasy scenario, but in no way should these award sp, they are not serious and most are extremly unbalanced and now we have a terrible skill gap and massive rank inflation.
Most new players would not even want to stick with the game anymore and the game will become even more unbalanced, because only competitive players have the upgrades. YOU HAVE NO CLUE, how quickly this game will be totally dead, when people realise that the only way to get upgrades and SP is, if you spend your whole life on this game working hard, instead of coming here to play for fun. Yes, the main goal of games is fun, not hard work. If I want hard work, I go somewhere else, where I will get money in return.
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 31.05.2016 at 04:23
Now what if you don't want to be as serious? That's fine aswell go ahead and play an rp, or a fantasy scenario, but in no way should these award sp, they are not serious and most are extremly unbalanced and now we have a terrible skill gap and massive rank inflation.
Most new players would not even want to stick with the game anymore and the game will become even more unbalanced, because only competitive players have the upgrades. YOU HAVE NO CLUE, how quickly this game will be totally dead, when people realise that the only way to get upgrades and SP is, if you spend your whole life on this game working hard, instead of coming here to play for fun. Yes, the main goal of games is fun, not hard work. If I want hard work, I go somewhere else, where I will get money in return.
You are wrong my dear u cant just come here and in a week be one of the best players who played the game for more then 3 years by now,upgrades keep you active playing and win and have fun anyway u can host games without upgrates if hight players upgrades are a problem for you.
Wr1tt3n by klevis, 06.06.2016 at 02:04
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 31.05.2016 at 04:23
Now what if you don't want to be as serious? That's fine aswell go ahead and play an rp, or a fantasy scenario, but in no way should these award sp, they are not serious and most are extremly unbalanced and now we have a terrible skill gap and massive rank inflation.
Most new players would not even want to stick with the game anymore and the game will become even more unbalanced, because only competitive players have the upgrades. YOU HAVE NO CLUE, how quickly this game will be totally dead, when people realise that the only way to get upgrades and SP is, if you spend your whole life on this game working hard, instead of coming here to play for fun. Yes, the main goal of games is fun, not hard work. If I want hard work, I go somewhere else, where I will get money in return.
You are wrong my dear u cant just come here and in a week be one of the best players who played the game for more then 3 years by now
I never said that. I said that some people like HellRaiser like to spend huge amount of effort into this to become more competitive and there are players who rather stay casual or do RP instead.
But don't take SP and Upgrades away from new or RP players, because those are the sole rewards of playing and the reason to keep on playing to may be become competitive later. If I didn't have SP or Upgrades in the games that I played as a newb, then I would have never stayed.
Qu0t3: grades keep you active playing and win and have fun
Exactly, so why take away SP and Upgrades form everyone, except competitive players? Make it less enjoyable for everyone else? Surely, you don't want that.
Qu0t3: u can host games without upgrates if hight players upgrades are a problem for you.
Playing without upgrades is like Sex without orgasm.
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 31.05.2016 at 04:23
Now what if you don't want to be as serious? That's fine aswell go ahead and play an rp, or a fantasy scenario, but in no way should these award sp, they are not serious and most are extremly unbalanced and now we have a terrible skill gap and massive rank inflation.
Most new players would not even want to stick with the game anymore and the game will become even more unbalanced, because only competitive players have the upgrades. YOU HAVE NO CLUE, how quickly this game will be totally dead, when people realise that the only way to get upgrades and SP is, if you spend your whole life on this game working hard, instead of coming here to play for fun. Yes, the main goal of games is fun, not hard work. If I want hard work, I go somewhere else, where I will get money in return.
Upgrades are honestly not that big of a deal. When I was r5 or r6 I used to play without premium and only a few upgrades, sometimes I won sometimes I lost. Everyone can get basic upgrades like imp anyway.
Someone Better Than You