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P0sts: 2   V1s1t3d by: 43 users
18.04.2012 - 14:56
Very rarely does a mod inform me of a post of mine being deleted. My posts usually get deleted by the same mod as well, but this is not the time for calling out names, nor will I do that. Is the mod just forgetting? Or am I only informed when a thread has been deleted? Honestly, I would like to know what posts of mine are deleted and when so I may post a more appropriate post on the topic at hand, but is left impossible at the fact I just don't know what has been deleted, but I've been noticing many, many posts have been, and I never even knew. Again, is it a requirement for a Moderator to inform me? Or is it just forgetfulness or something of the likes?
18.04.2012 - 15:14
The system auto notifies on threads only. But, maybe you should reconsider your general approach to posting in the forums if you are having a lot of them deleted. To me, it sounds like the mods are being extra patient rather than banning you from the forums.

You can follow up with a PM if you'd like, there's nothing to discuss here.

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