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08.02.2012 - 17:06
In the process of doing this, I have run into a small problem. When trying to change something in the edit profile page such as password or email, it requires you to fill in your old password first. Seeing as I used a guest account, I don't think I ever had a password, or is there some default password for guest accounts?

Otherwise I think the guest account feature is awesome. It makes it easy for potential newcomers to try out the game and see if they like it.
08.02.2012 - 22:08
Leave old password field blank, when making "new password" and it should work fine. Once you set a new password, you'll use that instead of leaving blank.
26.02.2012 - 17:27
I have the same problem. I tried leaving the old password blank and that did not work. What should I do?
28.02.2012 - 04:04
 Ivan (4dm1n)
There used to be a problem (fixed now) - if you changed your name first (after being a guest), and then tried to edit your profile. If you're stuck not being able to set a new password, PM me privately - I'll help.

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