G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
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27.03.2023 - 08:59
I encountered this problem way too many damn times in too many damn casul games to where it has screwd my damn games up..
i make moves in casual... i leave.. i come back to find
1. half the moves i made failed to go through
2. when i attack an army, sometimes my army ends up defending instead of attacking (where my army is strongest)
3. I destroy walls... just to have my troops walled in still
4. when i destroy walls, the enemy suddenly destroys 2-3 layers of my walls, (they were not connected) like they glitched troops over my walls
5. i move armies out of my cities to attack just to come back and see that they went back to my city

im pretty sure others have experienced at least some of the same issues, i know of a few people
28.03.2023 - 03:00
Thats happen to me coupleof time and that make me lost some battle...
28.03.2023 - 07:32
I forgot to add
6. turn ending early despite the timer saying otherwise
28.03.2023 - 15:39
Tell Dave to sell the game.
I'll buy it, then will fix them. I have time to invest in this website, he obviously doesn't.
05.04.2023 - 02:37
 Mobster (M0d)
Those are not bugs.

1. You got turnblocked.
2. You got turnblocked.
3. Your opponent rewalled that city. It's a dirty move and mostly forbidden in competitive games.
4. When you put your units very close to the walls, they can be attacked from the other side.
5. You got turnblocked.

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