G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 56   V1s1t3d by: 130 users

0r1g1n4l p0st

P0st3d by 1GodofWar1, 29.04.2016 - 18:28
Too many former hackers/bug abusers in this game
question is why do the admins tolerate is so much are they scared of the hackers??


ban all former hackers for life?

fuck yeah
no they deserve a second chance to cheat

T0t4l v0t3s: 54
30.04.2016 - 04:56
I wonder how one simply hacks into a game like this? I understand it if you mean bugging or exploiting, but hacking? People actually took time to make a hack for this game that has at its highest peak 200 people online? lmao.

Wr1tt3n by Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
30.04.2016 - 05:05
Wr1tt3n by Waffel, 30.04.2016 at 04:56

I wonder how one simply hacks into a game like this? I understand it if you mean bugging or exploiting, but hacking? People actually took time to make a hack for this game that has at its highest peak 200 people online? lmao.

At least you understand the difference between exploiting bugs and hacking.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
30.04.2016 - 06:15
If zoro is free to ddos yet,i will most lickely vote first option,if hes perma banned will again vote xd

01.05.2016 - 02:29
Lol 1st gow rushed prometheus in slovakia and after he failed he started to blame the game for disappearing units then opi for freezing him gow is worse then croat lol. .even if someone hack in here means he loves the game so thats a good sign
01.05.2016 - 15:16
Seems like the community has a strong opinion on this matter...i wonder what the admins think of this....

01.05.2016 - 15:19
Wr1tt3n by Sun Tsu, 30.04.2016 at 05:05

Wr1tt3n by Waffel, 30.04.2016 at 04:56

I wonder how one simply hacks into a game like this? I understand it if you mean bugging or exploiting, but hacking? People actually took time to make a hack for this game that has at its highest peak 200 people online? lmao.

At least you understand the difference between exploiting bugs and hacking.

everyone understood what i meant there is no need to try to make others look dumb and yes people did both i.e unknown gamer....

01.05.2016 - 15:44
03.05.2016 - 11:46
Wr1tt3n by TheManiac, 01.05.2016 at 15:44

That feel when a real hacker upvoted this conment...
04.05.2016 - 02:16
Wr1tt3n by clovis1122, 03.05.2016 at 11:46

Wr1tt3n by TheManiac, 01.05.2016 at 15:44

That feel when a real hacker upvoted this conment...

That making columna durruti suspicious
04.05.2016 - 07:05
Poll itself is biased
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
04.05.2016 - 10:35
I dont care if they exploited, bugged or hacked this game is shit as long as they are not perm banned, the top clan in this game knows how to bug and bugged in the past, as so a lot of high rank duelers are catched on bugging/hacking, yet you do nothing and will keep this up. And then you ask why this game develops so slow. If you cant manage the exploiters,hackers and so on and 'hurt then with your 2 week bans' then pls stop crying when no one is cwaring or dueling. GG El crey out let the bugg lovers come.
04.05.2016 - 13:36
Stupid choices. So once someone is branded hacker he is hacker forever ? because choices in poll seem to indicate people don't change.
04.05.2016 - 16:42
Wr1tt3n by minusSeven, 04.05.2016 at 13:36

Stupid choices. So once someone is branded hacker he is hacker forever ? because choices in poll seem to indicate people don't change.

People dont change, a thief who commited a theft for fun wil do it again. just like a hacker
04.05.2016 - 16:45
Who was hacking? Name names please.
05.05.2016 - 11:00
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Wr1tt3n by Azula., 04.05.2016 at 16:42

Wr1tt3n by minusSeven, 04.05.2016 at 13:36

Stupid choices. So once someone is branded hacker he is hacker forever ? because choices in poll seem to indicate people don't change.

People dont change

sorry but this is wrong
05.05.2016 - 12:07
Edit: And slap them until they promise they'll never repeat bug abusing/hacks in any other game.
05.05.2016 - 12:16
Wr1tt3n by Azula., 05.05.2016 at 10:39

Wr1tt3n by PleaseMe, 04.05.2016 at 16:45

Who was hacking? Name names please.

Opi, klevis, eagle, mp, and many more were bugging its the same thing as hacking since its an unfair advantage over normal players who dont search for exploiting others in vial ways to achieve better stats etc. But hey they top players so i gues its unfair to juge? If they were noobs they would've been hammered by all. Hypocrits.

I think permabanning some of the longest active highranks would hurt the game wouldn't you agree? The mk situation wasn't as serious as the VS situation but they were all punished harshly and deservedly so. Of all the variables affecting this game's developement, this would probably be among the least significant.
05.05.2016 - 13:25
Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 05.05.2016 at 12:16

Wr1tt3n by Azula., 05.05.2016 at 10:39

Wr1tt3n by PleaseMe, 04.05.2016 at 16:45

Who was hacking? Name names please.

Opi, klevis, eagle, mp, and many more were bugging its the same thing as hacking since its an unfair advantage over normal players who dont search for exploiting others in vial ways to achieve better stats etc. But hey they top players so i gues its unfair to juge? If they were noobs they would've been hammered by all. Hypocrits.

I think permabanning some of the longest active highranks would hurt the game wouldn't you agree? The mk situation wasn't as serious as the VS situation but they were all punished harshly and deservedly so. Of all the variables affecting this game's developement, this would probably be among the least significant.

that is like saying you wont lockup a psychopathic killer since he is a great doctor and saves many lives a year....logic much?

05.05.2016 - 13:42
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 05.05.2016 at 12:16

Wr1tt3n by Azula., 05.05.2016 at 10:39

Wr1tt3n by PleaseMe, 04.05.2016 at 16:45

Who was hacking? Name names please.

Opi, klevis, eagle, mp, and many more were bugging its the same thing as hacking since its an unfair advantage over normal players who dont search for exploiting others in vial ways to achieve better stats etc. But hey they top players so i gues its unfair to juge? If they were noobs they would've been hammered by all. Hypocrits.

I think permabanning some of the longest active highranks would hurt the game wouldn't you agree? The mk situation wasn't as serious as the VS situation but they were all punished harshly and deservedly so. Of all the variables affecting this game's developement, this would probably be among the least significant.

yes 1 week ban was very "harsh" for bug exploting/hacking w/e u want to call it
and 6 months was very "soft" for trolling
05.05.2016 - 14:51
Wr1tt3n by Azula., 05.05.2016 at 10:39

Wr1tt3n by PleaseMe, 04.05.2016 at 16:45

Who was hacking? Name names please.

Opi, klevis, eagle, mp, and many more were bugging its the same thing as hacking since its an unfair advantage over normal players who dont search for exploiting others in vial ways to achieve better stats etc. But hey they top players so i gues its unfair to juge? If they were noobs they would've been hammered by all. Hypocrits.

There is a complete difference between using bugs and hacking. Please don't put them under the same category.
05.05.2016 - 15:11
Wr1tt3n by PleaseMe, 05.05.2016 at 14:51

Wr1tt3n by Azula., 05.05.2016 at 10:39

Wr1tt3n by PleaseMe, 04.05.2016 at 16:45

Who was hacking? Name names please.

Opi, klevis, eagle, mp, and many more were bugging its the same thing as hacking since its an unfair advantage over normal players who dont search for exploiting others in vial ways to achieve better stats etc. But hey they top players so i gues its unfair to juge? If they were noobs they would've been hammered by all. Hypocrits.

There is a complete difference between using bugs and hacking. Please don't put them under the same category.

It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them
05.05.2016 - 16:14
Everyone crying about hackers/buggers and comparing them to murderers.

I lol.

On a more serious note, I think the way they've been dealt with is more or less right. AW would suck without Kurd Opi

Amok, Ivan and Sun all have other responsibilities. Until that changes the game is going to continue to be a niche thing, it's not growing significantly by any standards and hackers make no difference to that, we just have to accept it.
05.05.2016 - 16:16
Wr1tt3n by Azula., 05.05.2016 at 15:47

Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 05.05.2016 at 12:16

Wr1tt3n by Azula., 05.05.2016 at 10:39

Wr1tt3n by PleaseMe, 04.05.2016 at 16:45

Who was hacking? Name names please.

Opi, klevis, eagle, mp, and many more were bugging its the same thing as hacking since its an unfair advantage over normal players who dont search for exploiting others in vial ways to achieve better stats etc. But hey they top players so i gues its unfair to juge? If they were noobs they would've been hammered by all. Hypocrits.

I think permabanning some of the longest active highranks would hurt the game wouldn't you agree? The mk situation wasn't as serious as the VS situation but they were all punished harshly and deservedly so. Of all the variables affecting this game's developement, this would probably be among the least significant.

Longest active highranks, such imature logic. a bus driver drives for years and years one day he rams he's bus and kills people on it, next day he can just get a new bus and all is forgotten since he was such a good busdriver for years. such resposibility this games managment has if they are not affected by it at least, otherwise bans fly around as a tornado

a tad extreme of a comparison dont you think? They didn't kill anybody. They trolled with a few bugs they found in a game, got reported and were punished harshly for it. It is done and gone and you need to move on. Besides people in glass houses and all that.
05.05.2016 - 16:20
Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 05.05.2016 at 16:16

a tad extreme of a comparison dont you think? They didn't kill anybody. They trolled with a few bugs they found in a game, got reported and were punished harshly for it. It is done and gone and you need to move on. Besides people in glass houses and all that.

Thank you. They already had their trophies removes.
07.05.2016 - 06:08
Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 05.05.2016 at 16:16

Wr1tt3n by Azula., 05.05.2016 at 15:47

Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 05.05.2016 at 12:16

Wr1tt3n by Azula., 05.05.2016 at 10:39

Wr1tt3n by PleaseMe, 04.05.2016 at 16:45

Who was hacking? Name names please.

Opi, klevis, eagle, mp, and many more were bugging its the same thing as hacking since its an unfair advantage over normal players who dont search for exploiting others in vial ways to achieve better stats etc. But hey they top players so i gues its unfair to juge? If they were noobs they would've been hammered by all. Hypocrits.

I think permabanning some of the longest active highranks would hurt the game wouldn't you agree? The mk situation wasn't as serious as the VS situation but they were all punished harshly and deservedly so. Of all the variables affecting this game's developement, this would probably be among the least significant.

Longest active highranks, such imature logic. a bus driver drives for years and years one day he rams he's bus and kills people on it, next day he can just get a new bus and all is forgotten since he was such a good busdriver for years. such resposibility this games managment has if they are not affected by it at least, otherwise bans fly around as a tornado

a tad extreme of a comparison dont you think? They didn't kill anybody. They trolled with a few bugs they found in a game, got reported and were punished harshly for it. It is done and gone and you need to move on. Besides people in glass houses and all that.

Lol a mod supporting hackers/bug exploiters.Way to go laochra.
07.05.2016 - 06:59
Wr1tt3n by Nations, 07.05.2016 at 06:08

Lol a mod supporting hackers/bug exploiters.Way to go laochra.

Absolutely not. While i am on the modteam, anyone caught exploiting bugs or hacking will be punished harshly, idc who you are. But there is a difference between what mk did and what vs did. One was trolling, the other was quietly exploiting bugs in cws and duels to improve their records for what appeared to be a long time.
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