G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 6   V1s1t3d by: 36 users
07.01.2015 - 12:52
I experienced it for a long time, when a person delete my thread and i cant restore it
i lost a lot of valuable information from variety of subjects that i cant bring back.
can you make it so it will be possible to restore topics that were deleted in timeline of 10 days before they are deleted from the system?
to clarify; this idea is meant for clan forum, can work in public forum as well.
07.01.2015 - 12:53
You win battles by knowing the enemy's timing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect.
Miyamoto Musashi
07.01.2015 - 12:57
Completely support woot
<3 △⃒⃘ ⚯͛

07.01.2015 - 12:59
I think before this, admin should be focused on fixing other issues.
07.01.2015 - 14:12
 brianwl (4dm1n)
Some forums have 'locked' (for mods to halt a questionable forum topic until it can be reviewed) and a separate 'archive' that both admin and creator need to agree to delete before it is deleted entirely... this is to prevent mod abuse, so that a creator can clarify the intent of a thread if perhaps something was poorly worded or misinterpreted by the moderator.

Support the idea! ... and i don't think it's difficult to create an archive.

07.01.2015 - 16:39
Wr1tt3n by brianwl, 07.01.2015 at 14:12

Some forums have 'locked' (for mods to halt a questionable forum topic until it can be reviewed) and a separate 'archive' that both admin and creator need to agree to delete before it is deleted entirely... this is to prevent mod abuse, so that a creator can clarify the intent of a thread if perhaps something was poorly worded or misinterpreted by the moderator.

Support the idea! ... and i don't think it's difficult to create an archive.

Of course it won't be difficult to make an archive, just don't tell Amok and Ivan about it, it will take them a few months.

TJM !!!

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